• The Attitude Of The Politically Correct

    From Ilya Shambat@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 7 18:02:01 2023
    I have seen a problematic attitude in people schooled in political correctness. They think that, because they believe they are not racists or misogynists, they are enlightened and are better than the average person.

    In fact most of these people have done absolutely nothing to help either black people or women, and their attitude is worthless.

    If you tell my black friends that I am a racist, or if they tell my former wife or my daughter that I am a misogynist, they would laugh at you. I have been a part of a serious and dangerous effort to fight violence against women. I have been a part of
    majority-black cultural events. I actually have done things both for women and for black people. These other people have not.

    The Left can be just as vicious as the Right. I had a lady friend who kept being accused of being a racist because she liked Walt Whitman. I know her better than do these other people, and I can say for certain that she is not a racist nor has she ever
    been one.

    More people need to know not to cry wolf. People who cry wolf make themselves and others not credible when a real wolf appears. You call people racists and misogynists who aren’t, you end up having to deal with real racists and real misogynists. I have
    had to deal with both. They aren’t nice people at all. Because they are racists and misogynists they believe that being racists and misogynists is the way to go. Whereas people who do care if you call them such things are neither racists nor

    That you don’t have racist or misogynistic attitudes doesn’t mean that you are good. You need to earn your ideals. Actually do something for women and black people. I have. More other people need to as well.

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