• Restoration of the Daleks [Fan Fic] (Was Re: From the Archives)

    From Blueshirt@21:1/5 to The True Doctor on Sun Apr 21 19:28:44 2024
    The True Doctor wrote:

    I will post the draft script for first scene. The outline for
    the rest of the story is already written but I intend to make
    changes and might combine it with something else I've written

    Restoration of the Daleks

    ACT 1, SCENE 1

    (The Doctor wakes up in a new body lying on his back in a
    hospital bed. He leans up from his pillow and opens his eyes.
    A doctor is standing beside the bed.)

    THE DOCTOR: Ugh... (groans and yawns)

    Doctor: Good to see that you're awake Doctor.

    THE DOCTOR: Awake? ... Where am I? ... Where is This?

    Doctor: This is Gallifrey Doctor. Congratulations! You've

    THE DOCTOR: Regenerated? (The Doctor looks at his hands and
    then feels his face with them. He then pauses.) Gallifrey was
    destroyed. (he exclaims) How can I be here?

    (A Time Lord steps into view from the shadows, not noticed
    before by the Doctor.)

    Time Lord: You were rescued from the event horizon of a black

    THE DOCTOR: Rescued? How, who by?

    Time Lord: With the Time Scoop.

    THE DOCTOR: That's Time Lord technology, and it's forbidden.

    Time Lord: Not since the Last Great Time War.

    THE DOCTOR: Where's Bill? What happened to Bill?

    Time Lord: Bill, we don't know of any Bill.

    THE DOCTOR: What? I was with Bill just now, ... I mean just a
    few moments ago. Before I regenerated. Wait...

    Doctor: There is no Bill. She only existed in your mind.

    THE DOCTOR: How do you know Bill was a she?

    Time Lord: Pronouns, pronouns, Doctor. Tut, tut, tut...

    Doctor: The medics took a scan of your brain patterns and
    analysed them. You've been suffering from inter-regenerational hallucinations. Everything you think happened around the time
    you were mortally wounded by the Cybermen is all a false
    psychological construct.

    THE DOCTOR: No, that's not true. Bill was real.

    Time Lord: No she was not. You made her up. You made a lot of
    stuff up that hardly makes any sense. A planet sized dragon
    hatching from a shell formed by the Terran moon. Cybermen
    regenerating like Time Lords. The Timeless Child. The Flux.
    Laws of nature based on cartoon logic. Historical figures
    changing race. Bi-generation...

    Doctor: You suffered considerable trauma. Only to be expected
    from the huge gravitational gradient you experienced.

    THE DOCTOR: So, none of my recent memories are either accurate
    or even of real events at all?

    Doctor: No they are not. None of them. They never occurred the
    way you now remember. You know full well that Time Lords can't
    regenerate into a different gender from the one they were
    originally assigned at birth. What if they happened to be
    pregnant at the time? What do you imagine would happen to the

    Time Lord: And to the Time Lord themselves.

    THE DOCTOR: Yes, you've brought up a valid point. That's why
    it's biologically forbidden to all Time Lords. So what really
    happened to me then?

    Time Lord: We're not quite sure. Maybe you can help us?

    (the Doctor sits on the side of the bed facing his

    THE DOCTOR: Why am I here?

    Time Lord: We rescued you.

    THE DOCTOR: Why?

    Time Lord: We need you to go on a mission.

    THE DOCTOR: Oh, no, no, no...

    Time Lord: You've not even heard what it's about yet.

    THE DOCTOR: I'm not going on any mission. No... No more
    missions for me.

    Time Lord: We could always return you back to where we found

    THE DOCTOR: Go on then.

    (The Doctor steps out of bed on shaky legs and moves towards
    the window, taking in the view of the Citadel. Looking outside
    of his hospital room he reaches for the latch.)

    Time Lord: If you're thinking of escaping by jumping through
    that window I wouldn't try.

    Doctor: You wouldn't survive the fall from this height.

    THE DOCTOR: I've fallen from far greater heights in my past
    and survived.

    Time Lord: Think again Doctor. The last time you fell from a
    great height you regenerated into a young blond man. First and
    only time you've been blond.

    THE DOCTOR: How do you know all of these things about my

    Time Lord: I absorbed your mind signature from the Matrix.

    (A tall elegant women walks into the room.)

    THE DOCTOR: You can't do that. Only the...

    (The Doctor is interrupted by the woman.)

    Woman: You're Excellency, you've been summoned by the High

    THE DOCTOR: ...only the Lord High President of the High
    Council of Gallifrey can do that...

    Woman: Correct Doctor. (pause) Mister President, the high
    council is waiting and becoming impatient.

    (The President looks towards the Doctor)

    Time Lord PRESIDENT: Doctor they're waiting for you too.

    Yeah, that's okay... a good start.

    Get back to us when it's complete, I'd like to read the whole
    thing when you finish it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to Blueshirt on Sun Apr 21 18:49:32 2024
    In article <xn0okuf12dnnc3u000@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    The True Doctor wrote:

    I will post the draft script for first scene. The outline for
    the rest of the story is already written but I intend to make
    changes and might combine it with something else I've written

    Restoration of the Daleks

    ACT 1, SCENE 1

    (The Doctor wakes up in a new body lying on his back in a
    hospital bed. He leans up from his pillow and opens his eyes.
    A doctor is standing beside the bed.)

    THE DOCTOR: Ugh... (groans and yawns)

    Doctor: Good to see that you're awake Doctor.

    THE DOCTOR: Awake? ... Where am I? ... Where is This?

    Doctor: This is Gallifrey Doctor. Congratulations! You've

    THE DOCTOR: Regenerated? (The Doctor looks at his hands and
    then feels his face with them. He then pauses.) Gallifrey was
    destroyed. (he exclaims) How can I be here?

    (A Time Lord steps into view from the shadows, not noticed
    before by the Doctor.)

    Time Lord: You were rescued from the event horizon of a black

    THE DOCTOR: Rescued? How, who by?

    Time Lord: With the Time Scoop.

    THE DOCTOR: That's Time Lord technology, and it's forbidden.

    Time Lord: Not since the Last Great Time War.

    THE DOCTOR: Where's Bill? What happened to Bill?

    Time Lord: Bill, we don't know of any Bill.

    THE DOCTOR: What? I was with Bill just now, ... I mean just a
    few moments ago. Before I regenerated. Wait...

    Doctor: There is no Bill. She only existed in your mind.

    THE DOCTOR: How do you know Bill was a she?

    Time Lord: Pronouns, pronouns, Doctor. Tut, tut, tut...

    Doctor: The medics took a scan of your brain patterns and
    analysed them. You've been suffering from inter-regenerational
    hallucinations. Everything you think happened around the time
    you were mortally wounded by the Cybermen is all a false
    psychological construct.

    THE DOCTOR: No, that's not true. Bill was real.

    Time Lord: No she was not. You made her up. You made a lot of
    stuff up that hardly makes any sense. A planet sized dragon
    hatching from a shell formed by the Terran moon. Cybermen
    regenerating like Time Lords. The Timeless Child. The Flux.
    Laws of nature based on cartoon logic. Historical figures
    changing race. Bi-generation...

    Doctor: You suffered considerable trauma. Only to be expected
    from the huge gravitational gradient you experienced.

    THE DOCTOR: So, none of my recent memories are either accurate
    or even of real events at all?

    Doctor: No they are not. None of them. They never occurred the
    way you now remember. You know full well that Time Lords can't
    regenerate into a different gender from the one they were
    originally assigned at birth. What if they happened to be
    pregnant at the time? What do you imagine would happen to the

    Time Lord: And to the Time Lord themselves.

    THE DOCTOR: Yes, you've brought up a valid point. That's why
    it's biologically forbidden to all Time Lords. So what really
    happened to me then?

    Time Lord: We're not quite sure. Maybe you can help us?

    (the Doctor sits on the side of the bed facing his

    THE DOCTOR: Why am I here?

    Time Lord: We rescued you.

    THE DOCTOR: Why?

    Time Lord: We need you to go on a mission.

    THE DOCTOR: Oh, no, no, no...

    Time Lord: You've not even heard what it's about yet.

    THE DOCTOR: I'm not going on any mission. No... No more
    missions for me.

    Time Lord: We could always return you back to where we found

    THE DOCTOR: Go on then.

    (The Doctor steps out of bed on shaky legs and moves towards
    the window, taking in the view of the Citadel. Looking outside
    of his hospital room he reaches for the latch.)

    Time Lord: If you're thinking of escaping by jumping through
    that window I wouldn't try.

    Doctor: You wouldn't survive the fall from this height.

    THE DOCTOR: I've fallen from far greater heights in my past
    and survived.

    Time Lord: Think again Doctor. The last time you fell from a
    great height you regenerated into a young blond man. First and
    only time you've been blond.

    THE DOCTOR: How do you know all of these things about my

    Time Lord: I absorbed your mind signature from the Matrix.

    (A tall elegant women walks into the room.)

    THE DOCTOR: You can't do that. Only the...

    (The Doctor is interrupted by the woman.)

    Woman: You're Excellency, you've been summoned by the High

    THE DOCTOR: ...only the Lord High President of the High
    Council of Gallifrey can do that...

    Woman: Correct Doctor. (pause) Mister President, the high
    council is waiting and becoming impatient.

    (The President looks towards the Doctor)

    Time Lord PRESIDENT: Doctor they're waiting for you too.

    Yeah, that's okay... a good start.

    Get back to us when it's complete, I'd like to read the whole
    thing when you finish it.

    Over in alt.drwho.creative .
    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
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