• pseudoconservatives lying their punk asses off

    From WolfFan@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jan 7 16:00:55 2024
    On Jan 7, 2024, pete...@gmail.com wrote
    (in article<fc6c4906-dd4c-4881-8170-545069d82c7cn@googlegroups.com>):

    On Sunday, January 7, 2024 at 11:58:55 AM UTC-5, WolfFan wrote:
    On Jan 7, 2024, pyotr filipivich wrote
    (in article<fnhlpihkl85jlgkr2...@4ax.com>):
    WolfFan <akwo...@zoho.com> on Fri, 05 Jan 2024 19:47:17 -0500 typed
    in rec.arts.sf.written the following:
    On Jan 5, 2024, pete...@gmail.com wrote
    (in article<9cfa7aeb-c5ed-492b...@googlegroups.com>):

    On Friday, January 5, 2024 at 10:23:57?AM UTC-5, pyotr filipivich wrote:
    djh...@kithrup.com (Dorothy J Heydt) on Thu, 4 Jan 2024 00:58:16 GMT
    typed in rec.arts.sf.written the following:
    In article<4rnroil2fviias3eg...@4ax.com>,
    NefeshBarYochai <vo...@invalid.noy> wrote:
    Israel has been harvesting organs

    The Israeli authorities are yet to comment on the allegations.

    <<continue reading>


    [Hal Heydt]
    And this is a credible report...why?
    Any excuse to make the blood libel charges is enough.

    Progressive always give Hamas reports complete credibility.
    Because they too hate Jews.

    I'm calling you out on that. If this is true, you should be able
    to show multiple examples of 'progressives' believing this nonsense.

    Can you show two?

    Put up, or shut up.


    this should be good...

    [popcorn, where’s my popcorn?]

    You two obviously don't read the New York Times.
    please specify. Page, date. The NYT is rather large and is a daily. I’m not
    searching every issue because you can’t cite properly.

    Ever hear of MSNBC's The View?
    Please specify. Date and timecode. The View is hours long and is on ABC. https://abc.com/shows/the-view The fact that you couldn’t be arsed to even
    verify which network says a whole lot about the accuracy of your opinions.

    Note that the link which _I_ provided will allow you to specify the section in question... if any such sections exist, something I doubt as you didn’t

    Thanks for confirming that you are talking out your ass. Do carry on.

    [gets more popcorn]

    This is an example of the 'Do Your Own Research' trope so common among purveyors of nonsense. They make an absurd claim, and leave you to either accept it, or spend hours to figure out why they make it, and whether it stands
    up to scrutiny.

    In the real world of research, that's not how it works. If you make a claim, you
    need to provide references showing where you got the data on which it is based,
    or provide data you generated yourself, with sufficient description that others
    can replicate it.

    This is why actual research papers have long lists of references at the end, with
    numbers in the text to link each prior claim to a source.

    If you can't do that, you're a dilettante, and haven't actually done any research.


    The View has been on ABC since 1997. It’s abundantly clear that m’man did zero research, he just picked two bogeymen (MSNBC and NYT) and called it a
    day. He’s got nothing, he never did, he never will.

    Personally, I thought that Maggie Tatcher was ok, if a little soft. Ronnie Raygun was a damn con artist. I look at current ‘conservatives’ and see wastes of skin who utterly discredit real conservatives. They lack intelligence, they lack vision, they lack common sense. It’s so easy to
    find _real_ idiocy perpetuated by ‘progressives’ (banning cosmetic
    features on firearms and calling it an ‘Assault Weapons Ban’ is just one example) and use that, but do they? Hell, no. They simply lie. And try to bluff, and lie some more when exposed.

    Come on, Peter Phillipson, dig out some actual, real, verifiable, examples of ‘progressives’ pulling the kind of shit you said that they always do. If they do, it should be trivial to find a few. Trot ‘em out, boyo.

    [gets more popcorn]

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