• Does Hamlet count as speculative fiction ? New little book.

    From a425couple@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jun 5 11:23:08 2023
    Does Hamlet count as speculative fiction ? New little book.
    Yeah, seems to me your father's ghost talking to you does.

    "Look Hamlet" by Barbara Lingren
    a very short and illustrated version of Shakespeare's classic.

    Picked up this very short little book of Medieval Danish
    times at the library discard sale.


    And anyone can go to the citation above,
    use the look inside feature, and see about 1/3 of it.
    (But, if you look at the "images", you can see to the end!)

    As Shakespeare said, "Brevity is the soul of wit."

    “[A] wonderfully funny retelling of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet… Lindgren somehow manages to capture all of the high points of
    Shakespeare’s tale, from the adulterous marriage of his mother and his murderous stepfather to the appearance of his father’s ghost to the
    bitter scene of mass murder at the end of the play, with a minimum of
    dialogue. Illustrator Anna Höglund gives us an anthropomorphic rendition
    of the players which seems to make them even more human than any version
    I have ever seen on stage. Hamlet, as a deeply depressed rabbit, tugs at
    the heartstrings more than Gielgud ever could and Claudius as a wicked
    rat seems vastly appropriate casting.... I cannot wait to read it to my students next semester when we are studying Hamlet. I am sure after
    making them sit through the breathtaking four-hour Branagh version, this
    will be a very welcome break. This would make a wonderful gift for any Shakespeare fan in your life.”
    ―Tamara Benson, Tulsa Book Review

    So, I surprised myself, I can so, still read a complete book in one sitting.

    "In our despondent antihero, a lop-eared bunny Hamlet with handbag in
    tow, is somehow embodied all the tremendous pathos of Shakespeare’s
    Danish Prince. And in legendary Swedish children’s author Barbro
    Lindgren’s pithy prose resides the poetry of the original, reworked for
    the era of memes and short attention spans."

    Maybe check it out next time you go to your library.

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