• KURT VONNEGUT: UNSTUCK IN TIME (film review by Mark R. Leeper)

    From Mark Leeper@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 14 06:25:23 2021
    In KURT VONNEGUT: UNSTUCK IN TIME, a biography of Kurt Vonnegut,
    most of his early life is told mostly with home movies. Later the
    narrative is composed from photos of his articles, books, first
    pages of manuscripts, and footage shot by director Robert B. Weide
    and others. Weide took almost forty years to make this film (he
    started planning in 1982, and shooting in 1988). Weide is best
    known for documentaries about famous comedians, and for the movie
    and series CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM.

    After Vonnegut is introduced as being either insane or the only
    person not insane, the documentary reverts to a more traditional
    biography. His family was fairly well-to-do, but they were wiped
    out by the Depression. They lost their home, and he had to leave
    private school. In public school, he became immersed in pop
    culture, and a fan of comedians such as Laurel and Hardy. Vonnegut
    was the family comedian from when he was young, and described his
    books as "screamingly funny." During World War II, he was a POW in
    Dresden during the fire-bombing there. (Vonnegut claimed he
    actually saw Dresden in a premonition before it happened.) He went
    to work after the war for General Electric as a publicity writer,
    but finally had to choose between an industrial career at GE or a
    career of writing. It was not much of a fight. He quit GE and
    wrote full-time.

    Vonnegut seemed to live by phrases he uses repeatedly in his
    writing. "Billy Pilgrim has become unstuck in time." "So it goes."
    It is not clear that they mean much beyond Vonnegut's attachment to

    At the end of his life, Weide says, all of Vonnegut's books were in
    print. One person said of him, "Vonnegut was championed by the
    people, not by the critics," although eventually he was given
    critical acclaim by the literary establishment. Either way,
    Vonnegut was a writer whose outlook was shaped by his fear of
    failing. Some of his books made it and some did not. So it goes.

    Releases theatrically 11/19/2021. Rating: high +1, or 6/10.

    Film Credits:

    What others are saying: <https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/kurt_vonnegut_unstuck_in_time>

    Mark R. Leeper

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