• THE ANGRY BLACK GIRL AND HER MONSTER (film review by Mark R. Leeper)

    From Mark Leeper@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jun 18 08:08:06 2023
    THE ANGRY BLACK GIRL AND HER MONSTER starts out narrated by the
    "angry Black girl" of the title. She tells a few of her growing-up experiences, which are familiar as tragic stories we have heard many
    times before.

    Back in 1972 Samuel Z. Arkoff produced a pastiche of Dracula called
    BLACULA. Similarly, several filmmakers have made films trying to
    give classic stories a more contemporary setting (e.g., Jack the
    Ripper, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and the Phantom of the Opera).
    Now Bomani J. Story has done this with Mary Shelley's FRANKENSTEIN,
    setting the new version in an African-American neighborhood.
    (Although the neighborhood that this takes place in is supposedly
    controlled by a murderous drug gang, it is surprisingly green and pleasant-looking.)

    The story follows the plot of FRANKENSTEIN, with director Story
    staying closer to the plot of the Shelley novel than either James
    Whale or Terence Fisher did. Much of the enjoyment of this film
    derives from seeing where its plot points connect to the same plot
    in the original. Where the original Frankenstein was fascinated by electricity, Vicaria (the "Angry Black Girl" of the title) is
    fascinated by lightning, but both Frankenstein and Vicaria
    antagonize their teachers. (Vicaria's first name is an homage to
    the "Victor" of the novel; her last name is never specified, but it
    is referred to as sounding German .)

    Vicaria speculates that if death such as the death she is seeing
    all around her is a disease, then perhaps it can be cured. She
    also has a fascination on famous (Black) scientists and their
    discoveries and inventions.

    Once we get to the middle of the film, however, it no longer seems
    to be using the plot of the Shelley novel. Ultimately, the viewer
    then must decide what presentation best fits the Shelley.

    Released theatrically 9 June 2023. Rating: +1 (-4 to +4), or 6/10.

    Film Credits:

    What others are saying: <https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_angry_black_girl_and_her_monster>

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From william ahearn@21:1/5 to Mark Leeper on Wed Jun 28 17:27:34 2023
    On Sunday, June 18, 2023 at 11:08:08 AM UTC-4, Mark Leeper wrote:

    Back in 1972 Samuel Z. Arkoff produced a pastiche of Dracula called
    BLACULA. Similarly, several filmmakers have made films trying to
    give classic stories a more contemporary setting (e.g., Jack the
    Ripper, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and the Phantom of the Opera).
    Now Bomani J. Story has done this with Mary Shelley's FRANKENSTEIN,
    setting the new version in an African-American neighborhood.
    (Although the neighborhood that this takes place in is supposedly
    controlled by a murderous drug gang, it is surprisingly green and pleasant-looking.)

    What pointless erudition. It doesn't follow Frankenstein, it's a movie about family but not a family movie. Not my genre, yet I liked it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)