• "Crimes of the Future." A Cronenberg movie SPOILERS

    From RichA@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jul 2 01:16:09 2022
    Weird people in some kind of future are mutating. New organs form quickly. The government believes accelerated evolution is a bad thing. No one gets sick, no one feels pain, and it gets a lot worse. Viggo Mortensen is the guy who mutates. The guy
    sleeps in some kind of bio-electronic bed that fuses with him so he can sleep. The music is interesting, one riff is like something out of a 1960s Homeric epic. Anyway, the guy has his partner operate on him (she's an ex-surgeon) as a kind of
    performance art, removing the mutations. I kid you not. Makes Cronenberg's "Crash" or "Dead Ringers" seem like mainstream movies. Problem, French accent of some people in the movie make it hard to understand. The theme is kind of like an early 1950's
    vision of what might have happened after nuclear war.

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