• Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (P.C. madness) SPOILERS

    From RichA@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jul 2 00:06:31 2022
    Madness is a good word for it.

    -Rampant black superheros replacing whites in the roles. And women replacing white males.
    -the film is overrun by Chinese. More abject pandering of Hollywood to an enemy of the U.S. I wonder if when the war starts Hollywood producers will be rounded up like the Japanese in WW2?
    -Main character of course has "two mothers."
    -Scarlet Witch is of course evil because she's a woman who wants children.
    Of the superheroes that fight the witch in one universe, only the black female one of course lasts for a couple minutes.
    Amazingly, for an all powerful witch, she can't manage to move any faster than the average person can run.

    The thing that struck me was the quality of the computerization, if only they would use it in a real scifi instead of just this superhero stuff.

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