• Top Gun Is A Solid, Entertaining Movie

    From Ted Nolan @21:1/5 to All on Sun May 29 06:24:43 2022
    I saw it at the Golf IMAX on Friday. I-95 was as screwed up as I
    have ever seen it, so I got there after the film started (even
    having allowed a 40 minute cushion) and had to sit on the first
    row, which is not ideal IMAX territory, and still thoroughly enjoyed
    it. Cruise was engaging, the supporting cast was good, and they
    got in some genuine emotion with Kilmer. Furthermore, it was
    straight-ahead adventure with very good aerial sequences and not a
    hint of politics or wokeness: there was no gung-ho patriotism, but
    all the cast were Navy, and confident they were the good guys, and
    if anyone on the team was rainbow-adjacent, it stayed a personal
    matter. You could quibble about where the "5th Generation" fighters
    came from, or exactly where the target was, but it *would* be quibbling.

    What's not in Columbia anymore..

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From T987654321@21:1/5 to All on Tue May 31 11:01:42 2022
    I did soso at the box: Grosses
    DOMESTIC (55.3%)

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From RichA@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jun 5 01:17:59 2022
    On Sunday, 29 May 2022 at 02:24:47 UTC-4, Ted Nolan <tednolan> wrote:
    I saw it at the Golf IMAX on Friday. I-95 was as screwed up as I
    have ever seen it, so I got there after the film started (even
    having allowed a 40 minute cushion) and had to sit on the first
    row, which is not ideal IMAX territory, and still thoroughly enjoyed
    it. Cruise was engaging, the supporting cast was good, and they
    got in some genuine emotion with Kilmer. Furthermore, it was
    straight-ahead adventure with very good aerial sequences and not a
    hint of politics or wokeness: there was no gung-ho patriotism, but
    all the cast were Navy, and confident they were the good guys, and pro> if anyone on the team was rainbow-adjacent, it stayed a personal
    matter. You could quibble about where the "5th Generation" fighters
    came from, or exactly where the target was, but it *would* be quibbling.

    columbiaclosings.com Aos
    What's not in Columbia anymore..

    One technical problem, a few tons of unenriched uranium would not be a problem if spread around a valley. Uranium isn't in itself that "hot."
    Also, why would they care if it contaminated some crappy area of an enemy desert country?? Not sure where I stand on the lack of politics, or the unnamed country. I know Hollywood has to kiss everyone's --s, but I think predicating the story on some
    real politics (how about combat between China and the U.S. over Taiwan?) would make it more interesting, but I get the financial aspects of this.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)