• Re: Signal Threatens to Leave UK Over New Law,

    From Nomen Nescio@21:1/5 to All on Sun Mar 17 21:52:47 2024
    XPost: alt.privacy.anon-server, alt.privacy, alt.security.pgp

    Before continuing with "How To Send Anonymous Email" please take a moment to check out your
    FREE or premium sevice E2E encrypted email provider here: https://tuta.com/pricing
    Get off Hotmail, Gmail or whetever you're using and send your email encrypted so that your
    ISP or email provider can't profile you. FREE and premium services! END TO END ENCRYPTION!!!

    Hotmail and all non encrypted email providers can read your email and that's a NO NO!!!!


    How to send anonymous mail manually...

    The first thing you need to do is check the stats of the remailer/s you want to use...

    Remailer Reliability Stats: https://www.mixmin.net/echolot/rlist2.html https://tincture.ws/pinger/classic/rlist2.html
    Encrypt Everything: https://gnupg.org/download/

    Then get their keys...

    Remailer key for hsub: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.privacy.anon-server/c/HGKfUsks2Hg
    Remailer key for shalo: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.privacy.anon-server/c/QtTm2-Spi7c
    Remailer key for paranoia: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.privacy.anon-server/c/Sbw708Rgkmo
    Remailer key for dizum: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.privacy.anon-server/c/C7tk1vFkSS8
    Remailer key for frell: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.privacy.anon-server/c/_q6eQoBXHjI

    How To Send Anonymous Email / Posts Manually

    Sending manually eliminates the need for software on your computer which could have a backdoor!

    These are the fundamental instructions to understand how remailer messages are created and this
    will help you to understand how remailers work.

    If you want to send an anonymous message, first of all create a file containing:
    - two colon signs ( :: ) in the first line,
    - the phrase "Anon-To: e-mail address" in the second line
    whereby the e-mail address should be the address the remailer will send the message to.
    The third line should be empty and the message text will follow.

    For Usenet posts you must use: Anon-Post-To: rec.sport.football.college or the target group.
    For rec.arts.tv you would use: Anon-Post-To: rec.arts.tv and so on.


    2 colons on the first line.
    Anon-To: or Anon-Post-To: on second line.
    One blank space line. (third line)
    2 hash tags. (fourth line)
    Subject: (fifth line)
    One blank space line. (sixth line)
    Start message on 7th line.

    Type your message eg: ____________________________________________________________________________________
    Anon-Post-To: rec.sport.football.college

    Subject: Going To War (or whatever your subject is)

    War is about to break out in...

    (now encrypt above message with the remailer key of the remailer you're sending it to
    and when ready to send it should look something like below)

    Encrypted: PGP

    -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----

    owE1jMsNwjAUBH3gZMk9PClnUoBPUANpwElW2OBPZD8H0gd1UCP2gduuNDNfj IcSHT4zCbQmtlbzGFM9T0jSD7QVvEzaPcUlBSSWHQclbnR9YWJNp5BFSLdR9s CijF3NGxybry/1Rsqn4la3a0JiIhLvnYGCu9HFtiC8oIxnlkeuIYe+EH=HgDa
    -----END PGP MESSAGE-----

    Anon-To: add...@example.org

    Write here your message =============================================================

    Remailers only accept messages encrypted through PGP or GPG, so your message must be encrypted
    with the remailer public key, which you can get by sending a message to the remailer
    (mixm...@remailer.paranoici.org) and by entering "remailer-key" in the subject.

    So the above message must be encrypted with the remailer PGP key and eventually sent to
    mixm...@remailer.paranoici.org by entering two colon signs at the beginning of the message
    and, in the second line, the phrase "Encrypted: PGP" followed by the previously encrypted

    From: j...@test.com
    To: mixm...@remailer.paranoici.org

    Encrypted: PGP

    -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
    Version: 2.6.3i

    owE1jMsNwjAUBH3gZMk9PClnUoBPUANpwElW2OBPZD8H0gd1UCP2gduuNDNfj IcSHT4zCbQmtlbzGFM9T0jSD7QVvEzaPcUlBSSWHQclbnR9YWJNp5BFSLdR9s CijF3NGxybry/1Rsqn4la3a0JiIhLvnYGCu9HFtiC8oIxnlkeuIYe+EH=HgDa
    -----END PGP MESSAGE----- =============================================================

    The remailer will decode your message and send it anonymously. If you want to include a subject
    or other headers which shouldn't be filtered by the remailer, you can enter them as explained
    below before encrypting the message for the remailer:

    Anon-To: add...@example.org

    Subject: Re: Twofish
    In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 12 Jan 1999 22:47:04 EST." <1999011302...@example.com>

    Message text

    Even if PGP encryption is very safe, using a remailer in the simplest way is not the best system
    for protecting your identity. Therefore, you can tell the remailer, for instance, to keep the
    message you've sent for a certain period of time and to forward it later so as to avoid the
    so-called traffic analysis.
    If you enter the header Latent-Time: +2:00, your message will be delayed by 2 hours, while if you
    use the syntax Latent-Time: +5:00r, you'll have a random delay between 0 and 5 hours.

    The best way to use a remailer is by using them in a chain, by sending a message from one remailer to
    the other before it reaches your address.
    Let's make an example with the above message:

    Anon-To: mixm...@remailer.paranoici.org

    Encrypted: PGP

    -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
    Version: 2.6.3i

    owE1jMsNwjAUBH3gZMk9PClnUoBPUANpwElW2OBPZD8H0gd1UCP2gduuNDNfI T4zCbQmtlbzGFM9T0jSD7QVvEzaPcUlBSSWHQclbnR9YWJNp5BFSLdR9CijF3 ybry/1Rsqn4la3a0JiIhLvnYGCu9HFtiC8oIxnlkeuIYe+EH=HgDq
    -----END PGP MESSAGE----- =============================================================

    you can encrypt this message with the PGP key of another remailer (e.g. Dizum) and send the
    encrypted message to this remailer: rema...@dizum.com

    Thus Dizum will receive the message and decode it and will find the instructions to send it
    to mixm...@remailer.paranoici.org, which in its turn will decode it and send it to

    There is more on remailing here: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.privacy.anon-server/c/vMNR33GCKhs
    This page needs updating but worth a look: https://dizum.com/

    Now don't delay, get started with encrypted daily email now with the basic FREE Service.
    https://tuta.com/pricing You know it makes sense!

    Stay safe, stay encrypted!

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)