195,000 helmets and bulletproof vests and m 16s and 100 f 35s needed fo
From greg westin@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jan 28 19:23:37 2022
putting it together
sometimes you have to march one
division to st.petersberg in the winter
I don't know why.
maybe to end this
195,000 helmets and bulletproof vests and m 16s needed for ukraine
i'm tired
since i heard brother quoting red october
or something 7 years ago
in my house that is
owned by mom in colorado
with a knife hole in the chair
from me
195000 helmets and bulletproof vests and needed for ukraine
remembering that phd
who majored in physics back home in colorado
and moved back to kiev
and our small talks
i remember
f = i X l / B from the internet
but here's a modelo from Grimes and me to you
even if it might not be Grimes
I'm here to see her and Hana
and if this is how I'm remembered
195,000 helmets and bulletproof vests
and m 16s to ukraine