• schizophrenia: data science and moonbase and biochemistry and ai

    From Greg Westin@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 31 16:04:47 2023
    deals there is this and that

    you see this exciting
    deal on the internet
    someone posts it

    data science
    and you look at it
    and after a while
    it is schizo

    also moonbase

    you do anything for this dome
    on the moon
    after 8 missions
    to see the grid of things there

    are we going to do it anyway

    finding the location of molecules

    being the leader of a cult

    saying it's going to replace humans
    being on youtube all day

    this just all seems odd to me

    like when is the biocentral train gene engineering
    search tree in outerspace
    going to generate something

    all these low paying jobs, and the one
    where it matters a utter disaster
    like book seller
    or food services worker
    or recycling coordinator

    we look at you
    there with your trash bag
    and i know you think you're funny

    but theres a point you look back at you

    and this nightmare myrad of it
    and even if it's manic depressive
    and you're the leader of a cult

    you think this is all crazy
    pouring things into jars again and again
    and listening to the radio

    one day it burns out

    It's like that sort of day when
    you learn how to do a binary search tree
    and 30 years later
    you do a billion left rights
    and is the teacher a schizo
    should we have left you alone
    they build the hindeberg blimp


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