• rail spikes in his bloody hands

    From Greg Westin@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 22 19:07:05 2023
    im damaged
    in the warehouse
    i found you out

    someone else

    rail spikes in His bloody hands

    he was walking around

    i saw something in college
    but i went blind from the methanol
    crossed the river
    20 years later slept the alcohol off could see again

    but you were my friend

    rail spikes in his bloody hands

    somewhere between here and bozeman
    at claires she cried all night
    and gave up her ring to her
    to see Him

    rail spikes in His bloody hands

    they say damian
    could hold the nation together

    by at least winning silver
    then bronze in LA

    i'm that kind of believer
    but i want to play for canada and win gold

    i feel so old
    the cascade train

    rail spikes on the cross jesus cries

    oh god i 90
    i 1

    Grimes push on
    the computer you need to make better sounds
    and artificial sweeters
    call it the hana

    buy it and put it in boulder
    basement of your trilevel
    the start up deion
    does it search a billion sites

    the hana

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