• Tortoise

    From Ilya Shambat@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 14 18:09:38 2023

    Upon Pieria's great stone cascades
    The muses were conducting their first choir
    And just like bees, the blind musicians made
    Gifts of Ionian honey from their lyres.
    From a young woman's convex forehead
    Cold air blew in gusts like rays of sun
    That the archipelago's tender coffins
    Would open for the far-off great-grand-son.


    The springtime stomps across the meadows of Hellas,
    The rainbow-booted Sappho runs along
    Cicadas ring as if with tiny hammers
    And interweave like tendrils with sweet song.
    The carpenter has built a giant tower,
    For wedding day they suffocated hens
    And to create the shoes the clumsy cobbler
    Has stretched and tattered all the five ox skins.


    Unhurried and unkempt is turtoise-lyre
    Like something legless barely crawling past
    She lies under the sunshine of Epirus,
    Her golden stomach warming not-too-fast.
    Well, who in such a shape will care for her,
    Who'll turn her over while she sleeps at night?
    In dreams she is awaiting for Terpander
    Sensing at dawn the drying fingers' flight.


    Cold dew is feeding oaks with gentle ease
    The unkempt grass with erudition speaks her view,
    Honeycomb falls to the delight of bees -
    Oh, holy isles, exactly where are you,
    Where broken bread is never eaten,
    Where there is only honey, wine and milk,
    Where fiddle's labor does not reach the heaven,
    And languorously turns the fortune's wheel.

    By Osip Mandelshtam
    Translated from Russian by Ilya Shambat

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