[continued from previous message]
My baby, my time beautifully goes
Since notice how my poem's words are not at all the abuse
My baby, my time beautifully goes
Since my heart is not here to confuse but it wants to beautifully diffuse
My baby, my time beautifully goes
Since i am also with my poem of Love making the beautiful tattoos
So I am offering you my beautiful heart with a so beautiful blues
Since you are the beautiful one that i want to forever choose
I am offering you my beautiful heart with a so beautiful blues
Since my Love for you is like a beautiful ocean trip that we call a "cruise"
I am offering you my beautiful heart with a so beautiful blues
Since our Love is like the so beautiful breakthroughs and not of the gurus
I am offering you my beautiful heart with a so beautiful blues
So as you notice i am not of the bamboos or of the kangaroos
But my so beautiful Love is coming to you with the beautiful news !
I am offering you my beautiful heart with a so beautiful blues
But my so beautiful Love for you is not of the taboos !
So is my beautiful Love needing anymore interviews ?
No, since I am offering you my beautiful heart with a so beautiful blues !
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
And you can read carefully here all my beautiful poems of of Love that i
have invented quickly so that to notice how i am doing it:
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
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