• PPB: Doggerel / George J. Dance

    From George J. Dance@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 9 12:58:23 2023
    Today's poem on Penny's Poetry Blog:
    Doggerel, by George J. Dance


    The rowdy dogs that frolic in the park
    may run, and jump, and gambol playfully,
    but all dogs when they spy a likely tree
    must lift a nether leg and leave a mark.
    Some dogs must growl at every bird and frog,
    and some must leave their stools upon the street,
    and some must bark at every other dog,
    and some must snap at every poor man's feet.
    A man who's being dogged must learn to fight,
    to put the boots to any mangy cur
    that's troubled by the fleas amidst its fur
    and make the mongrel yowl! Then doggie might
    run off to find a more defenceless bone
    and leave the weary traveller alone.

    George J. Dance, 2007
    from Doggerel, and other doggerel, 2015.

    [All rights reserved - used with permission]



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