• inheritance / encapsulation attempt poem

    From Greg Westin@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 27 10:01:24 2023
    // its a
    // by greg westin
    void ()

    until mars, elon,someone calculate the radians
    for effect tictac = effective( b3 superdupersonic)

    daddy jesus = new God( Peter , years
    years = 40
    we look

    and lose our minds to technology

    but speed = 100000
    then if ( mars = 1 cm)
    on on = videocorder (dm, ehs, jpl)
    - how far right
    like an explorer went too high and landed on pole
    rachel the debate
    chem eng vs a eng
    still herre amgen vs jpl + nasa

    had to go online was taking too much time

    } boulder
    girl figured it out
    at boulder community hospital'


    //just major in both aero and chemical engineering
    // so i put it all under math except english and biochemistry
    3 majors and math

    then mba
    yay trump
    am i hired i have song for you by 2028

    i memorize my songs
    jesus will you be in our religions
    under constitution of usa
    an invite
    accept friend request
    john 3 16 revelation 3

    will blue project

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