• mexican, german, usa authorities arrest musk, bush put in prison for 10

    From Greg Westin@21:1/5 to All on Sat Apr 22 16:19:37 2023
    i wonder when
    these two
    will go away
    can you put them under arrest

    mexican, german authorities arrest musk, bush

    i don't know how
    we need 100000 people in dallas
    to put them in
    lamentations i don't care

    bush, musk in jail

    take away their money
    too much leadership
    allowing drug use
    allowing this and that

    just letting people have the message
    that it's ok
    to mess with hard drugs is wrong
    republicans should have known
    by reagan, first bush
    to now allow this

    hugo was exiled from france for being wrong
    we don't need another fake book really
    taking over society
    we don't need fake politicians biden

    arrest bush NOW
    and end him!

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