• Hypocrisy of the anti-science people

    From Ilya Shambat@21:1/5 to All on Mon Apr 10 21:19:02 2023
    The biggest problem I've seen in the anti-science people is that they are complete hypocrites. They are doing nothing to confront real wrongs done by people, such as burning the Amazonian rainforest or flooding the atmosphere with CO2. Instead they
    attack the good things that people do, such as pursuing scientific and technological progress.

    People are both beings of nature and intelligent creators. Both the aspects of humanity championed by Romantics and the aspects of humanity championed by people such as Ayn Rand are valid. Both nature and civilization are vast accomplishments, and both
    deserve to be treated with care and respect.

    The worst arrangement was that of the Berbers, who blindly plundered nature without contributing much of anything to the civilization. One semi-solution is the purely natural lifestyle of Native Americans. Another semi-solution is the purely
    technological lifestyle of American Midwest. The optimal solution is building an advanced civilization while taking care of nature.

    It takes a lot more effort to create than it does to destroy, and creation deserves respect. This is the case with both nature and civilization. Pursue scientific and technological progress while taking care of nature. And see created the best possible

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