• LA activist and homosexual 'predator' Ed Buck drugged and violated at l

    From Ed Buck & Hillary Clinton@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 2 02:03:49 2021
    XPost: la.general, alt.politics.media, alt.business
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    https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/01/09/17/8321528-6573905-image- a-6_1547055571738.jpg

    https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/01/09/17/8321230-6573905-image- m-12_1547055672514.jpg

    Ed Buck, the Los Angeles political activist accused of preying
    on gay black men and forcibly injecting them with fatal doses of
    drugs, had at least 10 victims, would drug them while they were
    unconscious and was known locally as “Doctor Kevorkian”,
    according to new court records.

    The wealthy Democratic donor was arrested this week and charged
    with running a drug den more than two years after 26-year-old
    Gemmel Moore fatally overdosed in the 65-year-old’s West
    Hollywood home. On Thursday, federal prosecutors charged him
    with administering methamphetamine to a victim who died and
    released new details about how he targeted men struggling with
    homelessness and addiction.

    Black LGBT activists in California have been advocating for
    years for Buck to be brought to justice and have accused police
    of ignoring their concerns and allowing the politically
    connected activist to continue hurting people.
    Buck’s lawyer did not immediately respond to request for comment.

    Buck, whose arrest came after a third man overdosed in his home
    this month, would offer to pay his victims for sex, force them
    to do drugs, inject them directly, give them tranquilisers
    without telling them and take photos of them, the complaint
    said. Some victims were sexually assaulted while unconscious,
    the filing suggested.

    One victim said he had fallen asleep on Buck’s couch and had
    been drugged while he was asleep, forcing him to go to the
    hospital the next day, where staff confirmed he had ingested a
    “tar-like substance”.

    “Buck told Victim 5 that it was not gratifying for him if Victim
    5 did not ingest methamphetamine,” the complaint said.

    Another victim said he learned about Buck when he was homeless
    and living in a park, and said he was nicknamed “Doctor
    Kevorkian”, a reference to the pathologist known for helping
    terminally ill patients die. This victim said it was part of
    Buck’s “role-playing and fantasy to inject people with
    methamphetamine” and that although the victim had never injected
    meth before, “Buck assured him that it would be fine”.

    Buck allegedly ignored this victim’s agreement to only do a
    small dose and “emptied an entire syringe in him”. Another time
    Buck injected this person, he immediately lost consciousness and
    awoke to discover his anus bleeding and a third man filming him,
    the complaint said.

    Another victim said Buck injected him with a tranquilliser,
    making him “unable to move”, adding that when Buck later wanted
    the victim to leave his home, Buck “became frustrated and
    obtained a power saw from a closet, turned it on, and approached
    [the] victim with it”. That victim eventually escaped.

    In another case, Buck gave the victim what the victim thought
    was vodka, but he fell asleep after consuming it, the complaint
    said. This victim said he woke up to Buck injecting him with a
    syringe and panicked because he did not use meth, but could not
    move when he tried to get up. He also felt “excruciating pain”
    in his anus and when he tried to remove metal clips fastened to
    his nipples, Buck “laughed”.

    This behaviour continued after a second victim died in his home
    in January of 2019, authorities said. The most recent victim,
    who overdosed but survived, told authorities that Buck solicited
    him for sex and distributed meth to him “nearly every day during
    an approximately one month period”.

    The shocking details published in federal court filings did not
    come as a surprise to local activists, who said they had
    conducted their own investigation and interviews and connected
    the victims to the authorities since police were failing to take
    the threat Buck posed seriously.

    “He has been allowed to do all of these things all of this
    time,” said Nana Gyamfi, a civil rights lawyer representing
    Moore’s family, adding that she wanted to see the Los Angeles
    county district attorney file murder charges.

    She noted that the victims cited in Wednesday’s court filings
    were only the ones who were willing to come forward and talk to
    police, adding: “We were looking for justice for Gemmel Moore
    and all of Ed Buck’s victims from the beginning. Gemmel was a
    victim, but so were scores of so many other black gay men.”

    https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states- canada/article/3029580/la-activist-and-predator-ed-buck-drugged-

    TAGS: Barack Obama Homosexual Degenerate Gay Pedophile Democrat
    Liberalism Pervert CNN CBS ABC NBC Disney MSNBC Faggots Hillary
    Clinton Racist Queer Progressive Antifa Faggots NAMBLA Nancy

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