• Hmm ... Was Schit For Brains A Frequent Visitor To Democrap Sex Pervert

    From Ed Buck BAGGED & TAGGED Eric Garcet@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 24 03:15:01 2021
    XPost: la.general, alt.politics.media, alt.business
    XPost: dc.politics

    https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/01/09/17/8321528-6573905-image- a-6_1547055571738.jpg

    https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/01/09/17/8321230-6573905-image- m-12_1547055672514.jpg

    ..... Well ..... maybe. You’ll recall that Democrap mega-donor
    (and Hitlary pal) Ed Buck, who has this “thing” about shooting
    up his poor black boy-toys with illegal drugs and watching them
    overdose, was finally arrested a couple of weeks ago on state
    and federal drug charges. It’s now being reported that guess who
    was a frequent visitor to Ed Buck’s drug house and den of
    debauchery ???? None other than SCHIT FOR BRAINS. According to
    the report, federal agents have traced Schit For Brains at
    Buck’s drug mansion over a dozen times. And now they want to
    know what Schiff was doing there.

    “(Attorney General William) Barr is looking into why Adam Schiff
    was at Buck’s place 16 times,” said insider Larry Nichols. “The
    reason Barr is obligated to look into Adam Schiff, and the fact
    that he was there 16 times, is because as a member of Congress
    if he saw at his time at Buck’s any illegal activity, he is
    obligated by law to report it.”



    I hope it is true .... since it would be just another nail in
    Schit For Brains’ coffin!
    Posted By: steve4102Re: Hmm ... Was Schit For Brains A Frequent
    Visitor To Democrap Sex Pervert Ed Buck’s House ? - 10/13/19
    The reason Barr is obligated to look into Adam Schiff, and the
    fact that he was there 16 times, is because as a member of
    Congress if he saw at his time at Buck’s any illegal activity,
    he is obligated by law to report it.”


    Barr is not investigating whether or not Schiff was engaged in
    Illegal Activity, only whether or not Shciff failed to report
    the illegal activity he witnessed.

    If that ain't pulling punched, nothing is.

    Rock On, there Mr Attorney General, Rock On. Investigate Rudy,
    persecute Flynn, refuse to indict McCabe and Comey and treat
    Shciff with kid gloves.

    https://www.24hourcampfire.com/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php/ubb/pri ntthread/Board/21/main/955397/type/thread

    TAGS: Barack Obama Homosexual Degenerate Gay Pedophile Democrat
    Liberalism Pervert CNN CBS ABC NBC Disney MSNBC Faggots Hillary
    Clinton Racist Queer Progressive Antifa Faggots Nancy Pelosi

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