• Op-ed: How Many Gay Black Boys Must Die Before We Prosecute Black Penis

    From Ed Buck Tinkerbelles Eric Garcetti@21:1/5 to All on Sat Aug 21 03:22:48 2021
    XPost: la.general, alt.politics.media, alt.business
    XPost: dc.politics

    The death of yet another Black man in the West Hollywood home of
    LGBTQ activist and prominent Democratic donor Ed Buck is on the
    hands of the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department and District
    Attorney because it didn’t have to happen. Ed Buck should have
    been behind bars for the death of the first man who died in his
    house of an overdose.

    In July 2017, 26-year-old Gemmel Moore died of a crystal meth
    overdose in Ed Buck’s apartment. Moore was Black, gay, homeless
    and sometimes worked as a sex worker — so of course the police
    immediately deemed it an open and shut case of an accidental

    But after Moore’s personal journal was published and other young
    men stepped forward recounting similar stories about Ed Buck.
    They've said he has a Tuskegee Experiment-like fetish which
    includes shooting drugs into young Black men who he picks up off
    the street or via dating hookup websites. Their warnings forced
    the sheriff’s department to finally open a homicide

    You’d think this was the plot to the sequel of Jordan Peele’s
    film Get Out if it wasn’t true.
    In his journal, Moore wrote, “I honestly don’t know what to do.
    I’ve become addicted to drugs and the worst one at that,” a
    December 2016 entry reads. “Ed Buck is the one to thank. He gave
    me my first injection of crystal meth it was very painful, but
    after all the troubles, I became addicted to the pain and

    “My life is at an alltime [sic] high right now & I mean that
    from all ways. I ended up back at Buck [sic] house again and got
    munipulated [sic] into slamming again. I even went to the point
    where I was forced to doing 4 within a 2day [sic] period. This
    man is crazy and its [sic] sad. Will I ever get help?”

    His last entry, dated December 3, 2016, reads: “If it didn’t
    hurt so bad, I’d kill myself but I’ll let Ed Buck do it for now.”

    A coroner’s report described that there were, “24 syringes with
    brown residue, five glass pipes with white residue and burn
    marks, a plastic straw with possible white residue, clear
    plastic bags with white powdery residue and a clear plastic bag
    with a ‘piece of crystal-like substance,” on the night that
    Moore died.

    Buck has since been accused by numerous young Black gay men of
    being a sexual predator, kidnapping, forced drug use, injecting
    them while unconscious with crystal meth, filing false police
    reports to cover his crimes, coercion, and pimping and pandering
    by multiple victims.

    For two years we worked to bring forth witness after witness who
    told authorities about Ed Buck and how he uses the internet to
    stalk and prey on young, Black gay men who are usually homeless,
    HIV-positive, and often work as male escorts.

    No one listened to them.

    We repeatedly told the Sheriff’s Department and the District
    Attorney’s office that if Buck wasn’t stopped, that another man
    was going to end up dead in his apartment. Now, in the light of
    another death in Buck's apartment, a lieutenant finally told
    reporters the deaths are "suspicious."

    Regrettably, six months later almost to the day and just days
    before what would have been Gemmel Moore’s 28th birthday,
    another body of a Black man has been removed from Buck’s
    apartment under equally suspicious circumstances.

    And just like in 2017, Buck has not been detained, arrested or
    has criminal charges filed against him opening up the
    possibility that there could be a third dead body in the near

    Had Buck been arrested, prosecuted, and sentenced for Moore's
    death, chances are he would not have been around for anyone else
    to “die” in his apartment.

    Dr. Conrad Murray (Michael Jackson) and Cathy Smith (John
    Belushi) are proof that there’s a precedent in fairly similar

    The exploitation and manipulation of vulnerable young Black gay,
    bisexual, trans, and queer men who are largely seen as
    expendable by privileged, white male predators must stop.

    And while the white LGBTQ+ community was quick to come for Kevin
    Hart’s Oscar hosting job over his past homophobic comments, the
    reaction hasn’t been the same in condemning one of their own and
    his dead Black body problem.

    As a Black woman, I know that if the roles were reversed, Gemmel
    Moore would not have benefited from the color of his skin, his
    years of political donations and relationships with politicians.
    His word on what happened would not have been enough for the
    police. Gemmel or any other Black man who had a dead white man
    who overdosed on drugs in his apartment would have been met
    with: do not pass go, do not collect $200, go straight to jail.

    Criminal justice reform isn’t only about police killing unarmed
    Black men and women. It’s about changing an entire system that
    doesn’t value the lives of Blacks whether we’re the suspect or
    the victim.

    Arrest Ed Buck. Prosecute Ed Buck. Let a jury convict Ed Buck.

    JASMYNE CANNICK is a political strategist and journalist.
    Follow her on Twitter @Jasmyne and Facebook @JasmyneCannick.

    https://www.out.com/news-opinion/2019/1/09/ed-buck-death-west- hollywood-jasmyne-cannick

    TAGS: Barack Obama Homosexual Degenerate Gay Pedophile Democrat
    Liberalism Pervert CNN CBS ABC NBC Disney MSNBC Faggots Hillary
    Clinton Racist Queer Progressive Antifa Faggots NAMBLA

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