• 24 frames versus 25 frames PAL

    From Pluted Pup@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 30 14:27:19 2023
    XPost: rec.arts.tv

    There are tons of DVDs and broadcasts that were shot
    on 24 frames a second that's shown on PAL at 25 frames
    a second, speeding it up 4% from the original. Here
    someone made an example of PAL speedup versus the


    And there are tons of stuff that was speeded up by
    PAL that was then copied directly to NTSC, retaining
    the PAL speedup.

    The stupidest case of PAL speedup could be the
    Avengers 1960s series Emma Peel episodes released in
    Britain that were already sped up that was then
    "corrected" for home video by processing it with
    an additional 4% speedup, releasing it with an
    8% speedup.

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