• Rich is a cretin

    From Tony@21:1/5 to Rich80105@hotmail.com on Tue Apr 23 21:25:03 2024
    Rich80105 <Rich80105@hotmail.com> wrote:
    On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 21:05:03 +1200, Rich80105 <Rich80105@hotmail.com>

    On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 07:55:58 GMT, wn@nosuch.com (Willy Nilly) wrote:

    A hysterical but excruciating article is at >>>https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/mediawatch/audio/2018935168/the-tough-questions-behind-the-media-s-declining-trust

    I is about the precipitous drop in the public's confidence in the
    media -- down to 33% in the latest survey (although they avoid
    mentioning that figure in the article!). The media navel-gazes for a
    few seconds, but then exonerates itself totally. Read it if you dare, >>>but here is the layman's summary:

    Media: Why has the public trust in us dropped so far?!? Should we >>>report facts more fairly? Should we have a broader range of
    viewpoints in our editorials?!? Um... naa-a-a-A-A-AAHHH! The
    problem isn't us -- it's the public! We simply aren't communicating
    our lefty woke viewpoints well enough. We need to up the volume and >>>intensity until those boorish Neanderthals finally understand our
    cosmic truths!! The answer may be to pretend to listen to them.

    End of article. Not joking, that's our media.
    Your misunderstanding of the programme is profound. Since you appear
    to regard Mike Hosking as one of New Zealand's most apolitical and
    reliably honest journalists, your credibility may be just a little
    tainted, Tony.

    I apologise for the insult, Willy Nilly - I was replying to you rather
    than to Tony.
    So no apology at all then!

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