• Re: 95% of messages on this group are now left-wing spam - Thunderbird

    From Pluted Pup@21:1/5 to trotsky on Sun Oct 16 21:08:47 2022
    XPost: rec.arts.tv

    On Sun, 16 Oct 2022 00:52:07 -0700, trotsky wrote
    (in article <tigd72$1r81$3@gioia.aioe.org>):

    On 10/15/2022 5:49 PM, RichA wrote:
    Of the last 15 odd pages of messages, approximately 14.3 of them were repetitive left-wing spam. Denial of service attempts.

    Ever since I've been on Usenet people have talked of "killfiles." A "killfile" is just a filter the user sets. Do you need help with how to
    set one up?

    Thunderbird is BROKEN for macs. The updates broke it
    and I tried in vain to use an earlier version. It
    crashes and won't allow most newsgroups or headers
    to be downloaded to the reader. It also has the
    stupid design flaw of keeping the server information
    hidden: there is no option or command to display the
    newsreader server.

    Trotsky won't see this post because it's crossposted
    to news.software.readers and his kill-file won't
    let him see it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)