• github.com/go-while/nntp-storage

    From go-while@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jul 25 04:39:06 2023


    nntp-storage provides an interface via channels to read/write usenet
    articles from/to storage

    Flat file storage stores articles in flat text files: one for head and
    one for body.

    CacheDir structure creates 3 levels of directories
    Files are stored in format:

    First 3 chars are cut from hash and used for directories.

    Remaining string (missing first 3 chars) is used as filename.[head|body]

    Hash of Message-ID should be md5, sha1, sha256 or better.

    Choose wisely or a change may break things!

    is needed to access "article|head|body|stat" via MsgNumber by creating softlinks from constructed Xref info

    it creates soft(sym)links to message-ids in

    Xref_linker eats a *redis.Pool as optional argument. If you dont want
    redis: set redis_pool to nil and AskRedis = false

    If you pass a *redis.Pool to Xref_linker it will create links in redis
    as constant (no expiry) key/value.

    When crafting read.request: only set .AskRedis = true when

    requesting an "article|head|body|stat" via Msgnum, not via message-ID!

    If you do xref-linking in redis: better have loads of ram and fast
    storage for redis!

    Redis killed my test import machine in one night...

    redis-db > 30GB started swapping and bg-save will never complete with
    default settings

    Redis can be enabled later at any time but will only create old entries
    on read if wasnt found in redis.
    One can choose to disable 'do_softlinks' and run only with redis
    but disabling redis later is not possible (yet) because grouphash/msgnum
    links do not exist without redis
    and there is yet no code to export data from redis and create symlink on filesystem.

    provides 2 channels of type 'storage.ReadReq':



    type ReadReq struct {
    Sessionid string
    File_path string
    Cli_chan chan ReadItem
    Cmdstring string
    AskRedis bool
    } // end ReadReq struct

    Crafting read requests
    readreq := storage.ReadReq{}
    readreq.Sessionid = "anything"
    // the client constructs file_path from message-id hash
    readreq.File_path = "/mnt/cache/0/0/0/ffffff.[head|body]"
    // create the channel where client will receive reply to readreq readreq.Cli_chan = make(chan storage.ReadItem, 1)
    // Cmdstring in lowercase
    readreq.Cmdstring = "[article|head|body|stat]"
    readreq.AskRedis = false

    // choose correct channel to put the read request for head or body

    // send read request for head:
    storage.ReadCache.RC_head_chan <- readreq

    // send read request for body:
    storage.ReadCache.RC_body_chan <- readreq

    reply := <- readreq.Cli_chan

    // when requesting an article:
    // craft 2 requests with File_path .[head|body]
    // wait for replies on Cli_chan, create one for each request
    // and construct the article yourself.

    // reply.Fileobj is a type []byte.
    // if requesting "stat":
    // reply.Fileobj[0] is: 'S' ok OR '0' not found

    // do not send the reply.Fileobj as []byte to client!!
    // contains LF and no CRLF pair to define end of line.
    // get a sendable []string and send lines with CRLF to client
    lines := utils.Bytes2Lines(reply.Fileobj)

    provides 2 channels of type 'storage.CacheItem':



    Pass a CacheItem object with Lines []string or Bytes []byte into the
    respective channels and nntp-storage will write head/body to storage.

    type CacheItem struct {
    Msgidhash string
    Head bool
    Lines []string // use either []string
    Bytes []byte // or []byte but dont supply both!
    Size int
    } // end CacheItem struct

    type ReadItem struct {
    Fileobj []byte
    Err error
    } // end ReadItem struct

    Crafting write requests
    // storage backend will not count bytes again,
    // Size has to be supplied from layer above.

    head_part := storage.CacheItem{}
    head_part.Msgidhash = sha256(article.messageid)
    // if object is a head, set head to true, else leave out or set to false. head_part.Head = true
    // Lines of head should be []string, not a MIMEheader map which is sadly
    not ordered... :/
    head_part.Lines = []string // use either []string
    head_part.Bytes = []byte // or []byte but dont supply both! head_part.Size = head.byteSize

    body_part := storage.CacheItem{}
    body_part.Msgidhash = sha256(article.messageid) // use generated
    msgidhash from head if we have it here. else create one!
    body_part.Lines = []string // use either []string
    body_part.Bytes = []byte // or []byte but dont supply both! body_part.Size = body.byteSize

    // pass objects to the correct channels or
    // they will get discarded with an error message only
    // without interrupting the system!

    storage.WriteCache.WC_head_chan <- head_part

    storage.WriteCache.WC_body_chan <- body_part

    There is no response to sender.

    Fire to channel and forget.

    Storage writes it, or Houston, we have a problem!

    * SETUP:
    * import ( "github.com/go-while/nntp-storage" )
    main() {
    cachedir := "/mnt/cache"
    bodycache, headcache := true, true
    storage.Make_cache_dir(cachedir, bodycache, headcache)
    } // end main
    * SETUP:
    * //import ( "github.com/go-while/nntp-storage" )
    main() {
    rc_debug_flag_head, rc_debug_flag_body := false, false

    var redis_pool *redis.Pool = nil
    redis_expire := 900 // redis_expire used to cache stat request in redis.
    // set redis_expire to -1 to not cache stat requests at all.
    // if set to 0 defaults to 300s
    // better have some memory for redis!

    rc_head_workers, rc_head_ncq := 100, 100000
    rc_body_workers, rc_body_ncq := 100, 100000

    storage.ReadCache.Load_Readcache(rc_head_workers, rc_head_ncq,
    rc_body_workers, rc_body_ncq, redis_pool, redis_expire, rc_debug_flag_head)

    if storage.ReadCache.RC_head_chan == nil {
    log.Printf("ERROR RC_head_chan=nil")
    if storage.ReadCache.RC_body_chan == nil {
    log.Printf("ERROR RC_body_chan=nil")

    } // end main

    * SETUP:
    * //import ( "github.com/go-while/nntp-storage" )
    main() {
    //cachedir := "/mnt/cache"
    cache_index_logdir := "/var/log/cache_index"
    wc_debug_flag_head, wc_debug_flag_body := false, false

    headcache_workers, headcache_max := 100, 1000000
    bodycache_workers, bodycache_max := 100, 1000000

    storage.Load_Writecache(headcache_workers, headcache_max,
    bodycache_workers, bodycache_max, cachedir, cache_index_logdir, wc_debug_flag_head)

    if storage.WriteCache.WC_head_chan == nil {
    log.Printf("ERROR WC_head_chan=nil")
    if storage.WriteCache.WC_body_chan == nil {
    log.Printf("ERROR WC_body_chan=nil")

    } // end main


    Xref Linker creates softlinks
    from 'cachedir/[head|body]/groups/grouphash/msgnum'
    to 'cachedir/[head|body]/[a-f0-9]/[a-f0-9]/[a-f0-9]/messageidhash[:3].[head|body]'

    * SETUP:
    * //import ( "github.com/go-while/nntp-storage" )
    main() {
    //cachedir := "/mnt/cache"
    workers := 1
    // syncwrites limits parallel access to filesystem for xref linking
    // can be less than workers, more does nothing.
    // you can have more workers pushing to redis and less parallel
    syncwrites := workers
    queuesize := 100
    do_softlinks := true
    debug_flag := false
    var redis_pool *redis.Pool = nil

    storage.XrefLinker.Load_Xref_Linker(workers, syncwrites,
    do_softlinks, queuesize, cachedir, redis_pool, debug_flag)

    if storage.XrefLinker.Xref_link_chan == nil {
    log.Printf("ERROR Xref_link_chan=nil")

    Pull requests are welcome.

    For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would
    like to change.



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)