• signcontrol (was: Re: can you guys peer some of our newsgroups?)

    From =?UTF-8?Q?Julien_=c3=89LIE?=@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 1 09:01:49 2023
    Hi Ivo,

    I note your need, and will soon work out to update it to Python 3.
    As the latest stable Debian (bookworm, released in June 2023) dropped
    Python 2, it will also be useful to me because I'm still delaying the
    update because of that!

    I have just modified them. When I finish I send it back to you

    I will just run the automatic 2to3 conversion program for the update to
    Python 3 (the only changes are the addition of parenthesis in function
    calls, and explicit copies of dictionary keys).
    I would be more interested in possible bug fixes or improvements you
    would have done, so that I could integrate them, if any, in the next

    Julien ÉLIE

    « Cette apostrophe me déconcerte et me réduit au silence, parce que
    l'homme sensible comme moi, tout entier à ce qu'on lui objecte, perd
    la tête, et ne se retrouve qu'au bas de l'escalier. » (Denis Diderot)

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  • From rek2 hispagatos@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 1 16:27:41 2023
    I have just modified them. When I finish I send it back to you

    I will just run the automatic 2to3 conversion program for the update to Python 3 (the only changes are the addition of parenthesis in function
    calls, and explicit copies of dictionary keys).
    I would be more interested in possible bug fixes or improvements you
    would have done, so that I could integrate them, if any, in the next

    Good that you working on this,
    BTW I always keep forgetting to mention that the video you did related
    to adding peers to INN 2.x is amazing and have helped me a lot,
    Will be nice of you touch other topics are well, this is good for people
    like me starting to administering inn servers,
    maybe one since we on this topic related to sending control messages
    to manage groups, there are still pieces that I am a bit confused,
    like for example I did the control msg and was able to send it with
    rnews and seems other admins got it and they are replicating now.
    But do I need to do something else?, how to add/remove etc etc
    ohh and most important do I need to send it to somewhere I see that
    there is a ftp with a list of all the herarchies not just big-8
    how do they create that list? do I need to tell them? etc...

    so yes a video will be great! <3


    - {gemini,https}://{,rek2.}hispagatos.org - mastodon: @rek2@hispagatos.space
    - [https|gemini]://2600.Madrid - https://hispagatos.space/@rek2
    - https://keyoxide.org/A31C7CE19D9C58084EA42BA26C0B0D11E9303EC5

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  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Julien_=c3=89LIE?=@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 1 22:15:46 2023
    Hi ReK2,

    BTW I always keep forgetting to mention that the video you did related
    to adding peers to INN 2.x is amazing and have helped me a lot,
    Will be nice of you touch other topics are well, this is good for people
    like me starting to administering inn servers

    Many thanks for the feedback! I'm glad to know this video was helpful.
    I had begun (and almost finished) two other videos but did not motivate
    myself for the remaining 20% to do as I did not know whether they would
    really be useful for people.
    It was a comparison of the 4 storage overview methods and
    recommendations for choosing, and a summary of what's new in INN 2.7.1
    (with a focus on the new features and highlights in improved
    documentation like algorithms for ckpasswd, what pathcluster/pathalias
    are for, etc.). Now that I know it can be helpful for news admins, I'll
    try to reprioritize them.

    maybe one since we on this topic related to sending control messages
    to manage groups, there are still pieces that I am a bit confused,
    like for example I did the control msg and was able to send it with
    rnews and seems other admins got it and they are replicating now.

    It could indeed be an interesting topic, though very few people send
    control messages for hierarchy administration... I would probably do
    the other way first (how to set up the initial list of newsgroups, their descriptions, and keep them in sync with control messages or a master
    list with actsync).
    I naturally also had in mind other widely asked topics to clarify with
    basic samples: how to parameterize readers.conf, expire.ctl, TLS
    certificates, NoCeM, anti-abuse filters, Cancel-Lock... I bet all of
    these topics would be useful to cover.

    But do I need to do something else?

    What remains to do is to communicate about your hierarchy and have other
    news admins create it on their news severs... That's a long process.
    Having a good distribution of a new hierarchy requires some time.
    Basically, you're sending signed control articles but nobody still has
    updated their control.ctl file and installed your public key on their
    news servers, or manually created your newsgroups.

    how to add/remove etc etc

    signcontrol can generate the corresponding newgroup/rmgroup control
    articles, and you just send them the same way you recently sent your checkgroups control article.
    Other news admins just do not process these control articles
    (hispagatos.* is not in their control.ctl file).

    ohh and most important do I need to send it to somewhere I see that
    there is a ftp with a list of all the herarchies not just big-8
    how do they create that list? do I need to tell them? etc...

    I suggest reading "5. About the ftp.isc.org Newsgroup Lists" of the FAQ:

    There's a mail address to contact.

    Julien ÉLIE

    « Vinum bonum laetificat cor hominis. »

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