• FAQ: NL-newsadmins-FAQ (in English)

    From a3@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 2 03:05:01 2020
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@21:1/5 to All on Mon Mar 2 03:05:02 2020
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 2 02:05:02 2020
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@21:1/5 to All on Sat May 2 02:05:03 2020
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 2 02:05:01 2020
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jul 2 02:05:01 2020
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 2 02:05:02 2020
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 2 02:05:01 2020
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 2 02:05:02 2020
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@21:1/5 to All on Wed Dec 2 03:05:01 2020
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 2 03:05:01 2021
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 2 03:05:02 2021
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@21:1/5 to All on Tue Mar 2 03:05:01 2021
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@21:1/5 to All on Fri Apr 2 02:05:01 2021
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 2 02:05:01 2021
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 2 02:05:01 2021
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@news.a3.xs4all.nl@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 2 02:05:01 2021
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@news.a3.xs4all.nl@21:1/5 to All on Thu Sep 2 02:05:02 2021
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@news.a3.xs4all.nl@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 2 02:05:01 2021
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@news.a3.xs4all.nl@21:1/5 to All on Tue Nov 2 03:05:02 2021
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@news.a3.xs4all.nl@21:1/5 to All on Thu Dec 2 03:05:02 2021
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@news.a3.xs4all.nl@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jan 2 03:05:02 2022
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@news.a3.xs4all.nl@21:1/5 to All on Wed Feb 2 03:05:01 2022
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-
  • From a3@news.a3.xs4all.nl@21:1/5 to All on Wed Mar 2 03:05:02 2022
    XPost: nl.newsgroups.announce, nl.newsgroups, nl.internet.welkom

    Archive-name: nl/newsadmins-faq.en
    Posting-frequency: monthly, each 2nd day of the month
    Last-modified: Fri Dec 31 15:30:25 CET 2010



    Subject: Introduction

    This FAQ is prepared by Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl> for the mere
    purpose of helping news admins all over the world to configure their
    news system for the nl.* Usenet-newsgroups (also known as "nl-hierarchy").
    The nl-hierarchy is the Dutch news hierarchy, mainly used by people from
    The Netherlands, a country in Western Europe.

    Please send your comments and suggestions to a3@a3.xs4all.nl.


    Subject: Table of contents

    1. Recent changes
    2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?
    3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?
    4. Which groups should I take on my site?
    5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?
    6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?
    7. Are there any other sources with useful information?
    8. Where can I find an up-to-date list of nl.* newsgroups?
    Subject: 1. Recent changes

    01-01-2011: Change of address (see: 2).
    09-08-2007: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    15-10-2005: postings to moderated groups should go to %s@nl.news-admin.org. 27-04-2004: URL now pointing to nl.news-admin.org (see: 7).
    31-05-2001: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    08-05-2001: Changed address of URL for PGP public key for nl-hierarchy (see: 5).
    28-02-1998: Change of nl-admin (see: 2).
    11-05-1997: Change of "From" address in cntrl messages as of 1-6-1997 (see: 5).


    Subject: 2. Who administers the nl-hierarchy?

    In May 1995, two persons were accepted to administer the nl-hierarchy.
    Together they are called "nl-admin"; you can reach them at this address:

    At this moment nl-admin consists of:
    Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
    Adri Verhoef <a3@a3.xs4all.nl>


    Subject: 3. What does nl-admin do to administer the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin takes care of sending control messages for creating and
    removing nl.* newsgroups.

    Discussions about new nl.* groups take place in "nl.newsgroups".
    The document that describes how to create a new nl.* newsgroup is
    posted there once a week.

    A "checkgroups" control message for nl.* is being posted each 21st
    day of the month.


    Subject: 4. Which groups should I take on my site?

    That is up to you to decide. However, if you're taking a "full feed",
    then you should accept the periodic control messages for the nl.* groups
    issued by nl-admin (and by nobody else). You may of course decide to
    take less than a full feed.


    Subject: 5. How should I configure my newssite for the nl-hierarchy?

    Nl-admin uses PGP to sign the newgroup, rmgroup and checkgroups
    control messages.
    If you are using the PGP control system, too, then you can have the
    newsgroup server automatically handle nl-admin control messages.

    The PGP public key for the nl-hierarchy can be found on the following URL:
    http://pgp.surfnet.nl/ (search for "nl.newsgroups")
    By FTP:

    Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
    pub 1024/23E9B3A9 1997/01/08 nl.newsgroups
    Key fingerprint = 45 20 0B D5 A1 21 EA 7C EF B2 95 6C 25 75 4D 27

    For technical details and a list of public keys, see:
    or ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/README.html


    Cnews [with PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl cnr p nl.newsgroups

    Cnews [without PGP]
    nl nl-admin@nic.surfnet.nl nr y

    INN [with PGP]

    INN [without PGP]


    Subject: 6. What is the configuration for moderated groups?

    Normally, postings to a moderated newsgroup are being sent to a server
    that keeps an up-to-date list of moderators. For the nl-hierarchy,
    you should use:

    Cnews (file "mailpaths")
    nl.* %s@nl.news-admin.org

    INN (file "moderators")


    Subject: 7. Are there any other sources with useful information?

    The following URL contains all relevant links for the nl-hierarchy:
    http://nl.news-admin.org/info/ (in Dutch)


    Subject: 8. Where can I find an up-