• [DOC] NoCeM - What you need to know

    From faq@21:1/5 to All on Sat Sep 2 22:15:33 2023
    XPost: news.answers

    Contents :
    1 - Preamble
    2 - Definition of NoCeM
    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?
    4 - Nocem issuers
    5 - Descriptions and tips on existing nocems
    6 - Conclusion
    7 - References

    1 - Preamble

    This document, posted monthly, list the nocems currently published
    on the "news.lists.filters" group.
    It does not deal with nocems published in a local hierarchy.
    The aim is to publicize existing general nocems so that server
    administrators can decide which nocems they wish to apply or not.

    2 - Definition

    NoCeM (pronounced No See 'Em) is a modern solution for managing spam.

    Rather than issuing a "cancel" on a spam message that most servers will
    reject, we generate a message in the "news.lists.filters" group called
    "nocem", which contain the message(s) to be deleted.

    Each nocem is signed with a gpg key to guarantee its authenticity.

    The manager of each server is free to apply these nocems or not,
    unlike global cancels, nothing is imposed.

    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?

    - Using nocems requires the server administrator to modify its configuration
    to accept them. Otherwise, the nocem does nothing on the server.
    It's a simple text message.

    - Cancel, on the other hand, is accepted by default by the server
    configuration. It's up to the server administrator to modify his config
    to refuse certain types of cancels. This is not always easy.

    For example, the news.usenet.ovh server refuses cancels from miakibot
    because of past abuse. But the server configuration had to be modified
    for this. Servers with little administration or little knowledge of "fr" specificities generally keep the default config.

    Reminder: general NoCeMs are published in news.lists.filters.

    4 - Nocem issuers

    - " bleachbot " (bleachbot@httrack.com) : The oldest and best-known

    - " nocembot " (nocem@usenet.ovh) : The latest bot

    - " nono le petit robot " (robot@pasdenom.info) : The atypical robot using

    - " NoCeM ALPHANET big8 " (nocem-fr@alphanet.ch) : nocems.

    5 - Descriptions et conseils sur les nocems existants

    5.1 - " bleachbot "

    Information : http://home.httrack.net/~nocem/

    Public key : http://home.httrack.net/~nocem/bleachbot.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : detection based on previously confirmed spam with BI>=20.
    - site : flood and hipcrime detection.

    Tip: Nocem has been a recognized source for years.
    Recommended for use on all servers.

    5.2 - " nocembot "

    Information : http://usenet.ovh/?article=nocem

    Public key : http://usenet.ovh/files/alfanet_0x5789E33A_public

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : spams and clearly malicious articles
    - flood : well-known regular flooders

    Tip: New public Nocems source since June 5, 2023
    (previously restricted to the news.usenet.ovh server).
    The website details what is filtered.
    Recommended for use on all servers.

    5.3 - " nono le petit robot "

    Information : https://pasdenom.info/nocem.html

    Public key : http://pasdenom.info/gpg/robot.pasdenom.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : spams 99,99%
    - spam2 : spams with rare false positives
    - spam3 : spam with false positives
    - spam4 : spams with slightly more false positives
    - site : rare manual notices

    Tip: these nocems are the result of the use of "spamassasin".
    An effective product usually used to detect spam in e-mails.
    Type "spam" nocems are reliable, the others generate false positives. Particularly spam3 and 4, which on certain forums such as fr.soc.politique could be seen as censorship.
    The "site" nocem is used for abuse that is generally consensual.
    Recommended use of "site" and "spam" nocems on all servers

    5.4 - " NoCeM ALPHANET big8 "

    Information : https://git.alphanet.ch/gitweb/?p=alphanet-faq;a=blob;f=alphanet/nocem-types

    Public key : https://git.alphanet.ch/gitweb/?p=usenet-fr-faq;a=blob_plain;f=usenet/abus/d/NoCeM/pubkey/all;hb=HEAD

    Types of nocems:
    - spam : spam on big8 groups.

    New, more or less curious types of nocems are published
    (non-exhaustive list):
    - cleanfeed-emp
    - cleanfeed-too-many-newsgroups
    - cleanfeed-binary-non-binary-distribution
    - cleanfeed-hierarchy-violation--crosspost-outside-netscape
    - cleanfeed-post-to-junk-newsgroup
    - cleanfeed-hierarchy-violation--crosspost-outside-sdnet
    - cleanfeed-bot-signature
    - cleanfeed-hierarchy-violation--crosspost-outside-de.alt.dateien
    note: many types of nocems (against mashed potatoes, ducks etc.) are only published on a french-speaking group and outside the scope of this document. Tip: As they stand, we strongly advise against using these nocems
    because their content does not always correspond to the description
    of this type of nocem.

    For example, the SPAM type confuses "spam" with "flood".
    or this nocem cancels a flood post <nocem.ALPHANET.fr.20230607123506.28943.16@nocem.alphanet.ch>
    from a well-known flooder: " Socratis T.n.p".
    There's also " Pentcho Valev ", " Lucrezio S " etc

    6 - Conclusion

    If you want to contribute to this document, you can reply directly
    to this message (or by e-mail if you prefer).

    7 - References:
    - The NoCeM FAQ. V0.93: http://www.cm.org/faq.html
    - Kleopatra: https://www.openpgp.org/software/kleopatra/
    (certificate manager and GUI for GnuP)
    - Global cancels: <news:m25ylayonf.fsf@raybanana.net>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From faq@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 1 06:47:05 2023
    XPost: news.answers

    Contents :
    1 - Preamble
    2 - Definition of NoCeM
    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?
    4 - Nocem issuers
    5 - Descriptions and tips on existing nocems
    6 - Conclusion
    7 - References

    1 - Preamble

    This document, posted monthly, list the nocems currently published
    on the "news.lists.filters" group.
    It does not deal with nocems published in a local hierarchy.
    The aim is to publicize existing general nocems so that server
    administrators can decide which nocems they wish to apply or not.

    2 - Definition

    NoCeM (pronounced No See 'Em) is a modern solution for managing spam.

    Rather than issuing a "cancel" on a spam message that most servers will
    reject, we generate a message in the "news.lists.filters" group called
    "nocem", which contain the message(s) to be deleted.

    Each nocem is signed with a gpg key to guarantee its authenticity.

    The manager of each server is free to apply these nocems or not,
    unlike global cancels, nothing is imposed.

    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?

    - Using nocems requires the server administrator to modify its configuration
    to accept them. Otherwise, the nocem does nothing on the server.
    It's a simple text message.

    - Cancel, on the other hand, is accepted by default by the server
    configuration. It's up to the server administrator to modify his config
    to refuse certain types of cancels. This is not always easy.

    For example, the news.usenet.ovh server refuses cancels from miakibot
    because of past abuse. But the server configuration had to be modified
    for this. Servers with little administration or little knowledge of "fr" specificities generally keep the default config.

    Reminder: general NoCeMs are published in news.lists.filters.

    4 - Nocem issuers

    - " bleachbot " (bleachbot@httrack.com) : The oldest and best-known

    - " nocembot " (nocem@usenet.ovh) : One of the latest bot

    - nocem@eternal-september.org : The latest bot

    - " nono le petit robot " (robot@pasdenom.info) : The atypical robot using

    5 - Descriptions et conseils sur les nocems existants

    5.1 - " bleachbot "

    Information : http://home.httrack.net/~nocem/

    Public key : http://home.httrack.net/~nocem/bleachbot.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : detection based on previously confirmed spam with BI>=20.
    - site : flood and hipcrime detection.

    Tip: Nocem has been a recognized source for years.
    Recommended for use on all servers.

    5.2 - " nocembot "

    Information : http://usenet.ovh/?article=nocem

    Public key : http://usenet.ovh/files/alfanet_0x5789E33A_public

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : spams and clearly malicious articles
    - flood : well-known regular flooders

    Tip: New public Nocems source since June 5, 2023
    (previously restricted to the news.usenet.ovh server).
    The website details what is filtered.
    Recommended for use on all servers.

    5.3 - nocem@eternal-september.org

    Information :

    Public key : : https://www.eternal-september.org/nocem-eternal-september.asc

    Les types de nocems :
    - spam : drugs/meds/cards

    Tip : New public Nocems source since septembre 25, 2023
    Recommended for use on all servers.

    5.4 - " nono le petit robot "

    Information : https://pasdenom.info/nocem.html

    Public key : http://pasdenom.info/gpg/robot.pasdenom.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : spams 99,99%
    - spam2 : spams with rare false positives
    - spam3 : spam with false positives
    - spam4 : spams with slightly more false positives
    - site : rare manual notices

    Tip: these nocems are the result of the use of "spamassasin".
    An effective product usually used to detect spam in e-mails.
    Type "spam" nocems are reliable, the others generate false positives. Particularly spam3 and 4, which on certain forums such as fr.soc.politique could be seen as censorship.
    The "site" nocem is used for abuse that is generally consensual.
    Recommended use of "site" and "spam" nocems on all servers

    6 - Conclusion

    If you want to contribute to this document, you can reply directly
    to this message (or by e-mail if you prefer).

    7 - References:
    - The NoCeM FAQ. V0.93: http://www.cm.org/faq.html
    - Kleopatra: https://www.openpgp.org/software/kleopatra/
    (certificate manager and GUI for GnuP)
    - Global cancels: <news:m25ylayonf.fsf@raybanana.net>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Eric M@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 1 10:18:45 2023
    Le 01/10/2023 à 08:47, "faq" aka "La Libre Parole" a écrit :

    Contents :

    LLP is a troll and no one should believe what is said in this pseudo FAQ
    which he debated with no one but himself.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From llp@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 2 22:16:58 2023
    Eric M a utilisé son clavier pour écrire :
    Le 01/10/2023 à 08:47, "faq" aka "La Libre Parole" a écrit :

    Contents :

    LLP is a troll and no one should believe what is said in this pseudo FAQ which he debated with no one but himself.

    Welcome to troll Eric M, well known in the fr hierarchy :-(

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From faq@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 1 17:53:18 2023
    XPost: news.answers

    Contents :
    1 - Preamble
    2 - Definition of NoCeM
    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?
    4 - Nocem issuers
    5 - Descriptions and tips on existing nocems
    6 - Conclusion
    7 - References

    1 - Preamble

    This document, posted monthly, list the nocems currently published
    on the "news.lists.filters" group.
    It does not deal with nocems published in a local hierarchy.
    The aim is to publicize existing general nocems so that server
    administrators can decide which nocems they wish to apply or not.

    2 - Definition

    NoCeM (pronounced No See 'Em) is a modern solution for managing spam.

    Rather than issuing a "cancel" on a spam message that most servers will
    reject, we generate a message in the "news.lists.filters" group called
    "nocem", which contain the message(s) to be deleted.

    Each nocem is signed with a gpg key to guarantee its authenticity.

    The manager of each server is free to apply these nocems or not,
    unlike global cancels, nothing is imposed.

    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?

    - Using nocems requires the server administrator to modify its configuration
    to accept them. Otherwise, the nocem does nothing on the server.
    It's a simple text message.

    - Cancel, on the other hand, is accepted by default by the server
    configuration. It's up to the server administrator to modify his config
    to refuse certain types of cancels. This is not always easy.

    For example, the news.usenet.ovh server refuses cancels from miakibot
    because of past abuse. But the server configuration had to be modified
    for this. Servers with little administration or little knowledge of "fr" specificities generally keep the default config.

    Reminder: general NoCeMs are published in news.lists.filters.

    4 - Nocem issuers

    - " bleachbot " <bleachbot@httrack.com>

    - " nocembot " <nocem@usenet.ovh>

    - <nocem@eternal-september.org>

    - " nono le petit robot " <robot@pasdenom.info>

    - " i2pn2-nocem " <i2pn2-nocem@i2pn2.org>

    - "news.chmurka.net nocembot" <nocem@chmurka.net>

    5 - Descriptions et conseils sur les nocems existants

    5.1 - " bleachbot "

    Information : http://home.httrack.net/~nocem/

    Public key : http://home.httrack.net/~nocem/bleachbot.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : detection based on previously confirmed spam with BI>=20.
    - site : flood and hipcrime detection.

    Tip: Nocem has been a recognized source for years.
    Recommended for use on all servers.

    5.2 - " nocembot "

    Information : http://usenet.ovh/?article=nocem

    Public key : http://usenet.ovh/files/alfanet_0x5789E33A_public

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : spams and clearly malicious articles
    - flood : well-known regular flooders

    Tip: New public Nocems source since June 5, 2023
    (previously restricted to the news.usenet.ovh server).
    The website details what is filtered.
    Recommended for use on all servers.

    5.3 - nocem@eternal-september.org

    Information : https://www.eternal-september.org/index.php?showpage=nocem

    Public key : : https://www.eternal-september.org/nocem-eternal-september.asc

    Les types de nocems :
    - spam : drugs/meds/cards/casino from GoogleGroups
    - bot : bot generated pseudo discussions from various sources
    (currently from Abavia).

    Tip : New public Nocems source since septembre 25, 2023
    Recommended use of on all servers.

    5.4 - " nono le petit robot "

    Information : https://pasdenom.info/nocem.html

    Public key : http://pasdenom.info/gpg/robot.pasdenom.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : spams 99,99%
    - spam2 : spams with rare false positives
    - spam3 : spam with false positives
    - spam4 : spams with slightly more false positives
    - site : rare manual notices

    Tip: these nocems are the result of the use of "spamassasin".
    An effective product usually used to detect spam in e-mails.
    Type "spam" nocems are reliable, the others generate false positives. Particularly spam3 and 4, which on certain forums such as fr.soc.politique could be seen as censorship.
    The "site" nocem is used for abuse that is generally consensual.
    Recommended use of "site" and "spam" nocems on all servers

    5.5 - " i2pn2-nocem " <i2pn2-nocem@i2pn2.org>

    Information : ?

    Public key : https://www.novabbs.com/hierarchy/i2pn2-nocem.txt

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : Utilise spamassassin pour détecter les psams de toutes les hierarchies.

    Tip : Not enough information to give advice.

    5.6 - "news.chmurka.net nocembot" <nocem@chmurka.net>

    Information : http://news.chmurka.net/nocem.php

    Public key : http://news.chmurka.net/nocem-chmurka.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - thai : NoCeM notice for Thai flood originating from Google Groups.

    Tip : Not enough information to give advice.

    6 - Conclusion

    If you want to contribute to this document, you can reply directly
    to this message (or by e-mail if you prefer).

    7 - References:
    - The NoCeM FAQ. V0.93: http://www.cm.org/faq.html
    - Kleopatra: https://www.openpgp.org/software/kleopatra/
    (certificate manager and GUI for GnuP)
    - Global cancels: <news:m25ylayonf.fsf@raybanana.net>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Eric M@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 1 18:18:50 2023
    Le 01/11/2023 à 18:53, "faq" a écrit :

    For example, the news.usenet.ovh server refuses cancels from miakibot
    because of past abuse.

    This is false, you just hate the maintainer of the miakibot because he was hosted by Alphanet that you destroyed.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Eric M@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 1 18:31:02 2023
    Le 01/11/2023 à 19:26, llp a écrit :

    I can produce the list of more than 4000 past abusive cancels of the
    miakibot on judicial requisition.

    I can produce a list of your rogue cancels of my messages on
    fr.usenet.abus.d, did you tell that to everyone ?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From llp@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 1 19:48:01 2023
    Dans son message précédent, Eric M a écrit :
    Le 01/11/2023 à 19:26, llp a écrit :

    I can produce the list of more than 4000 past abusive cancels of the
    miakibot on judicial requisition.

    I can produce a list of your rogue cancels of my messages on fr.usenet.abus.d, did you tell that to everyone ?

    Another one from you.

    But you were "the masked avenger" who deleted messages from a member
    of "fufa" (the committee that manages groups creation/deletion
    requests in the fr hierarchy).

    In fact you are not only a troll, you are a malicious person :-(

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Eric M@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 1 18:55:02 2023
    Le 01/11/2023 à 19:48, llp a écrit :

    In fact you are not only a troll, you are a malicious person :-(

    So you can confirm that this FAQ, which is not even a FAQ because no one
    asked you any question as you don't know anything about usenet, is just a
    way to destroy some people's reputation, especially Marc Schaefer* and
    Olivier Miakinen, who can't defend themselves because they don't read this group ?

    I let the readers of this group judge, maybe they don't care, but maybe
    they use your NoCems or believe you but one day they will find out what a
    bad person you are. EOT.

    *Who made better FAQs BTW.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From llp@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 1 19:26:52 2023
    Eric M avait soumis l'idée :
    Le 01/11/2023 à 18:53, "faq" a écrit :

    For example, the news.usenet.ovh server refuses cancels from miakibot
    because of past abuse.

    This is false,

    I can produce the list of more than 4000 past abusive cancels of the
    miakibot on judicial requisition.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From faq@21:1/5 to All on Thu Nov 30 23:42:27 2023
    XPost: news.answers

    Contents :
    1 - Preamble
    2 - Definition of NoCeM
    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?
    4 - Nocem issuers
    5 - Descriptions and tips on existing nocems
    6 - Conclusion
    7 - References

    1 - Preamble

    This document, posted monthly, list the nocems currently published
    on the "news.lists.filters" group.
    It does not deal with nocems published in a local hierarchy.
    The aim is to publicize existing general nocems so that server
    administrators can decide which nocems they wish to apply or not.

    2 - Definition

    NoCeM (pronounced No See 'Em) is a modern solution for managing spam.

    Rather than issuing a "cancel" on a spam message that most servers will
    reject, we generate a message in the "news.lists.filters" group called
    "nocem", which contain the message(s) to be deleted.

    Each nocem is signed with a gpg key to guarantee its authenticity.

    The manager of each server is free to apply these nocems or not,
    unlike global cancels, nothing is imposed.

    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?

    - Using nocems requires the server administrator to modify its configuration
    to accept them. Otherwise, the nocem does nothing on the server.
    It's a simple text message.

    - Cancel, on the other hand, is accepted by default by the server
    configuration. It's up to the server administrator to modify his config
    to refuse certain types of cancels. This is not always easy.

    For example, the news.usenet.ovh server refuses cancels from miakibot
    because of past abuse. But the server configuration had to be modified
    for this. Servers with little administration or little knowledge of "fr" specificities generally keep the default config.

    Reminder: general NoCeMs are published in news.lists.filters.

    4 - Nocem issuers

    - " bleachbot " <bleachbot@httrack.com>

    - " nocembot " <nocem@usenet.ovh>

    - <nocem@eternal-september.org>

    - " nono le petit robot " <robot@pasdenom.info>

    - " i2pn2-nocem " <i2pn2-nocem@i2pn2.org>

    - "news.chmurka.net nocembot" <nocem@chmurka.net>

    5 - Descriptions et conseils sur les nocems existants

    5.1 - " bleachbot "

    Information : http://home.httrack.net/~nocem/

    Public key : http://home.httrack.net/~nocem/bleachbot.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : detection based on previously confirmed spam with BI>=20.
    - site : flood and hipcrime detection.

    Tip: Nocem has been a recognized source for years.
    Recommended for use on all servers.

    5.2 - " nocembot "

    Information : http://usenet.ovh/?article=nocem

    Public key : http://usenet.ovh/files/alfanet_0x5789E33A_public

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : spams and clearly malicious articles
    - flood : well-known regular flooders

    Tip: New public Nocems source since June 5, 2023
    (previously restricted to the news.usenet.ovh server).
    The website details what is filtered.
    Recommended for use on all servers.

    5.3 - nocem@eternal-september.org

    Information : https://www.eternal-september.org/index.php?showpage=nocem

    Public key : : https://www.eternal-september.org/nocem-eternal-september.asc

    Les types de nocems :
    - spam : drugs/meds/cards/casino from GoogleGroups
    - bot : bot generated pseudo discussions from various sources
    (currently from Abavia).

    Tip : New public Nocems source since septembre 25, 2023
    Recommended use of on all servers.

    5.4 - " nono le petit robot "

    Information : https://pasdenom.info/nocem.html

    Public key : http://pasdenom.info/gpg/robot.pasdenom.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : spams 99,99%
    - spam2 : spams with rare false positives
    - spam3 : spam with false positives
    - spam4 : spams with slightly more false positives
    - site : rare manual notices

    Tip: these nocems are the result of the use of "spamassasin".
    An effective product usually used to detect spam in e-mails.
    Type "spam" nocems are reliable, the others generate false positives. Particularly spam3 and 4, which on certain forums such as fr.soc.politique could be seen as censorship.
    The "site" nocem is used for abuse that is generally consensual.
    Recommended use of "site" and "spam" nocems on all servers

    5.5 - " i2pn2-nocem " <i2pn2-nocem@i2pn2.org>

    Information : ?

    Public key : https://www.novabbs.com/hierarchy/i2pn2-nocem.txt

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : Utilise spamassassin pour détecter les psams de toutes les hierarchies.

    Tip : Not enough information to give advice.

    5.6 - "news.chmurka.net nocembot" <nocem@chmurka.net>

    Information : http://news.chmurka.net/nocem.php

    Public key : http://news.chmurka.net/nocem-chmurka.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - thai : NoCeM notice for Thai flood originating from Google Groups.

    Tip : Not enough information to give advice.

    6 - Conclusion

    If you want to contribute to this document, you can reply directly
    to this message (or by e-mail if you prefer).

    7 - References:
    - The NoCeM FAQ. V0.93: http://www.cm.org/faq.html
    - Kleopatra: https://www.openpgp.org/software/kleopatra/
    (certificate manager and GUI for GnuP)
    - Global cancels: <news:m25ylayonf.fsf@raybanana.net>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From faq@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jan 1 10:21:02 2024
    XPost: news.answers

    Contents :
    1 - Preamble
    2 - Definition of NoCeM
    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?
    4 - Nocem issuers
    5 - Descriptions and tips on existing nocems
    6 - Conclusion
    7 - References

    1 - Preamble

    This document, posted monthly, list the nocems currently published
    on the "news.lists.filters" group.
    It does not deal with nocems published in a local hierarchy.
    The aim is to publicize existing general nocems so that server
    administrators can decide which nocems they wish to apply or not.

    2 - Definition

    NoCeM (pronounced No See 'Em) is a modern solution for managing spam.

    Rather than issuing a "cancel" on a spam message that most servers will
    reject, we generate a message in the "news.lists.filters" group called
    "nocem", which contain the message(s) to be deleted.

    Each nocem is signed with a gpg key to guarantee its authenticity.

    The manager of each server is free to apply these nocems or not,
    unlike global cancels, nothing is imposed.

    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?

    - Using nocems requires the server administrator to modify its configuration
    to accept them. Otherwise, the nocem does nothing on the server.
    It's a simple text message.

    - Cancel, on the other hand, is accepted by default by the server
    configuration. It's up to the server administrator to modify his config
    to refuse certain types of cancels. This is not always easy.

    For example, the news.usenet.ovh server refuses cancels from miakibot
    because of past abuse. But the server configuration had to be modified
    for this. Servers with little administration or little knowledge of "fr" specificities generally keep the default config.

    Reminder: general NoCeMs are published in news.lists.filters.

    4 - Nocem issuers

    - " bleachbot " <bleachbot@httrack.com>

    - " nocembot " <nocem@usenet.ovh>

    - <nocem@eternal-september.org>

    - " nono le petit robot " <robot@pasdenom.info>

    - " i2pn2-nocem " <i2pn2-nocem@i2pn2.org>

    - "news.chmurka.net nocembot" <nocem@chmurka.net>

    5 - Descriptions et conseils sur les nocems existants

    5.1 - " bleachbot "

    Information : http://home.httrack.net/~nocem/

    Public key : http://home.httrack.net/~nocem/bleachbot.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : detection based on previously confirmed spam with BI>=20.
    - site : flood and hipcrime detection.

    Tip: Nocem has been a recognized source for years.
    Recommended for use on all servers.

    5.2 - " nocembot "

    Information : http://usenet.ovh/?article=nocem

    Public key : http://usenet.ovh/files/alfanet_0x5789E33A_public

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : spams and clearly malicious articles
    - flood : well-known regular flooders

    Tip: New public Nocems source since June 5, 2023
    (previously restricted to the news.usenet.ovh server).
    The website details what is filtered.
    Recommended for use on all servers.

    5.3 - nocem@eternal-september.org

    Information : https://www.eternal-september.org/index.php?showpage=nocem

    Public key : : https://www.eternal-september.org/nocem-eternal-september.asc

    Les types de nocems :
    - spam : drugs/meds/cards/casino from GoogleGroups
    - bot : bot generated pseudo discussions from various sources
    (currently from Abavia).

    Tip : New public Nocems source since septembre 25, 2023
    Recommended use of on all servers.

    5.4 - " nono le petit robot "

    Information : https://pasdenom.info/nocem.html

    Public key : http://pasdenom.info/gpg/robot.pasdenom.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : spams 99,99%
    - spam2 : spams with rare false positives
    - spam3 : spam with false positives
    - spam4 : spams with slightly more false positives
    - site : rare manual notices

    Tip: these nocems are the result of the use of "spamassasin".
    An effective product usually used to detect spam in e-mails.
    Type "spam" nocems are reliable, the others generate false positives. Particularly spam3 and 4, which on certain forums such as fr.soc.politique could be seen as censorship.
    The "site" nocem is used for abuse that is generally consensual.
    Recommended use of "site" and "spam" nocems on all servers

    5.5 - " i2pn2-nocem " <i2pn2-nocem@i2pn2.org>

    Information : ?

    Public key : https://www.novabbs.com/hierarchy/i2pn2-nocem.txt

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : These bot-spam NoCeM notices may cover any hierarchy and
    are automatically generated by a spamassassin script.

    Tip : Recommended use of on all servers.

    5.6 - "news.chmurka.net nocembot" <nocem@chmurka.net>

    Information : http://news.chmurka.net/nocem.php

    Public key : http://news.chmurka.net/nocem-chmurka.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - thai : NoCeM notice for Thai flood originating from Google Groups.

    Tip : Not enough information to give advice.

    6 - Conclusion

    If you want to contribute to this document, you can reply directly
    to this message (or by e-mail if you prefer).

    7 - References:
    - The NoCeM FAQ. V0.93: http://www.cm.org/faq.html
    - Kleopatra: https://www.openpgp.org/software/kleopatra/
    (certificate manager and GUI for GnuP)
    - Global cancels: <news:m25ylayonf.fsf@raybanana.net>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to faq on Thu Feb 1 19:51:25 2024
    On Thu, 1 Feb 2024 18:31:01 -0000 (UTC), "faq" <faq@usenet.ovh> wrote: >Contents :
    1 - Preamble
    2 - Definition of NoCeM
    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?
    4 - Nocem issuers
    5 - Descriptions and tips on existing nocems
    6 - Conclusion
    7 - References
    - spam : drugs/meds/cards/casino from GoogleGroups
    - thai : NoCeM notice for Thai flood originating from Google Groups.

    guesstimate . . .

    22 february 2024 02:14:14 am (074w00:11,40n44:29; jd 2460362.80155)
    21 february 2024 11:14:14 pm (122w05:02,37n25:18; jd 2460362.80155)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From faq@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 1 22:46:16 2024
    XPost: news.answers

    Contents :
    1 - Preamble
    2 - Definition of NoCeM
    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?
    4 - Nocem issuers
    5 - Descriptions and tips on existing nocems
    6 - Conclusion
    7 - References

    1 - Preamble

    This document, posted monthly, list the nocems currently published
    on the "news.lists.filters" group.
    It does not deal with nocems published in a local hierarchy.
    The aim is to publicize existing general nocems so that server
    administrators can decide which nocems they wish to apply or not.

    2 - Definition

    NoCeM (pronounced No See 'Em) is a modern solution for managing spam.

    Rather than issuing a "cancel" on a spam message that most servers will
    reject, we generate a message in the "news.lists.filters" group called
    "nocem", which contain the message(s) to be deleted.

    Each nocem is signed with a gpg key to guarantee its authenticity.

    The manager of each server is free to apply these nocems or not,
    unlike global cancels, nothing is imposed.

    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?

    - Using nocems requires the server administrator to modify its configuration
    to accept them. Otherwise, the nocem does nothing on the server.
    It's a simple text message.

    - Cancel, on the other hand, is accepted by default by the server
    configuration. It's up to the server administrator to modify his config
    to refuse certain types of cancels. This is not always easy for servers
    with little administration or little knowledge of "fr" specificities.

    Reminder: general NoCeMs are published in news.lists.filters.

    4 - Nocem issuers

    - " bleachbot " <bleachbot@httrack.com>

    - " nocembot " <nocem@usenet.ovh>

    - <nocem@eternal-september.org>

    - " nono le petit robot " <robot@pasdenom.info>

    - " i2pn2-nocem " <i2pn2-nocem@i2pn2.org>

    - "news.chmurka.net nocembot" <nocem@chmurka.net>

    5 - Descriptions et conseils sur les nocems existants

    5.1 - " bleachbot "

    Information : http://home.httrack.net/~nocem/

    Public key : http://home.httrack.net/~nocem/bleachbot.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : detection based on previously confirmed spam with BI>=20.
    - site : flood and hipcrime detection.

    Tip: Nocem has been a recognized source for years.
    Recommended for use on all servers.

    This robot seems to have stopped since January 1, 2024

    5.2 - " nocembot "

    Information : http://usenet.ovh/?article=nocem

    Public key : http://usenet.ovh/files/alfanet_0x5789E33A_public

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : spams and clearly malicious articles
    - flood : well-known regular flooders

    Tip: New public Nocems source since June 5, 2023
    (previously restricted to the news.usenet.ovh server).
    The website details what is filtered.
    Recommended for use on all servers.

    5.3 - nocem@eternal-september.org

    Information : https://www.eternal-september.org/index.php?showpage=nocem

    Public key : : https://www.eternal-september.org/nocem-eternal-september.asc

    Les types de nocems :
    - spam : drugs/meds/cards/casino from GoogleGroups
    - bot : bot generated pseudo discussions from various sources
    (currently from Abavia).

    Tip : New public Nocems source since septembre 25, 2023
    Recommended use of on all servers.

    5.4 - " nono le petit robot "

    Information : https://pasdenom.info/nocem.html

    Public key : http://pasdenom.info/gpg/robot.pasdenom.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : spams 99,99%
    - spam2 : spams with rare false positives
    - spam3 : spam with false positives
    - spam4 : spams with slightly more false positives
    - site : rare manual notices

    Tip: these nocems are the result of the use of "spamassasin".
    An effective product usually used to detect spam in emails.
    Here, the sample used to train the robot to detect spam seems
    to be poorly done: too much false positives for spam.
    Other types of nocem generate inappropriate false positives.
    In particular spam3 and 4, which on some forums, such as fr.soc.politique, could be seen as censorship.
    The "site" nocem is used for abuse that is generally consensual.

    5.5 - " i2pn2-nocem " <i2pn2-nocem@i2pn2.org>

    Information : ?

    Public key : https://www.novabbs.com/hierarchy/i2pn2-nocem.txt

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : These bot-spam NoCeM notices may cover any hierarchy and
    are automatically generated by a spamassassin script.

    Tip : Recommended use of on all servers.

    5.6 - "news.chmurka.net nocembot" <nocem@chmurka.net>

    Information : http://news.chmurka.net/nocem.php

    Public key : http://news.chmurka.net/nocem-chmurka.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - thai : NoCeM notice for Thai flood originating from Google Groups.

    Tip : Recommended use of on all servers.

    6 - Conclusion

    If you want to contribute to this document, you can reply directly
    to this message (or by e-mail if you prefer).

    7 - References:
    - The NoCeM FAQ. V0.93: http://www.cm.org/faq.html
    - Kleopatra: https://www.openpgp.org/software/kleopatra/
    (certificate manager and GUI for GnuP)
    - Global cancels: <news:m25ylayonf.fsf@raybanana.net>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Retro Guy@21:1/5 to Eric M on Sat Mar 2 11:17:07 2024
    On Sat, 02 Mar 24 18:08:20 +0000, Eric M wrote:

    Le 01/03/2024 à 23:46, "faq" a écrit :

    Here, the sample used to train the robot to detect spam seems
    to be poorly done: too much false positives for spam.
    Other types of nocem generate inappropriate false positives.
    In particular spam3 and 4, which on some forums, such as fr.soc.politique, >> could be seen as censorship.

    Personnal attacks again in a so called "DOC".

    How is expressing an observation a personal attack? It's actually quite politely worded, avoiding any accusations.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to faq on Sat Mar 2 20:29:37 2024
    On Fri, 1 Mar 2024 22:46:16 -0000 (UTC), "faq" <faq@usenet.ovh> wrote: >Contents :
    1 - Preamble
    2 - Definition of NoCeM
    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?
    4 - Nocem issuers
    5 - Descriptions and tips on existing nocems
    6 - Conclusion
    7 - References
    1 - Preamble
    This document, posted monthly, list the nocems currently published
    on the "news.lists.filters" group.
    It does not deal with nocems published in a local hierarchy.
    The aim is to publicize existing general nocems so that server
    administrators can decide which nocems they wish to apply or not.
    2 - Definition
    NoCeM (pronounced No See 'Em) is a modern solution for managing spam.
    Rather than issuing a "cancel" on a spam message that most servers will >reject, we generate a message in the "news.lists.filters" group called >"nocem", which contain the message(s) to be deleted.
    Each nocem is signed with a gpg key to guarantee its authenticity.
    The manager of each server is free to apply these nocems or not,
    unlike global cancels, nothing is imposed.
    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?
    - Using nocems requires the server administrator to modify its configuration
    to accept them. Otherwise, the nocem does nothing on the server.
    It's a simple text message.
    - Cancel, on the other hand, is accepted by default by the server
    configuration. It's up to the server administrator to modify his config
    to refuse certain types of cancels. This is not always easy for servers
    with little administration or little knowledge of "fr" specificities.
    Reminder: general NoCeMs are published in news.lists.filters.
    4 - Nocem issuers
    - " bleachbot " <bleachbot@httrack.com>
    - " nocembot " <nocem@usenet.ovh>
    - <nocem@eternal-september.org>
    - " nono le petit robot " <robot@pasdenom.info>
    - " i2pn2-nocem " <i2pn2-nocem@i2pn2.org>
    - "news.chmurka.net nocembot" <nocem@chmurka.net>
    5 - Descriptions et conseils sur les nocems existants
    5.1 - " bleachbot "
    Information : http://home.httrack.net/~nocem/
    Public key : http://home.httrack.net/~nocem/bleachbot.asc
    Types of nocems :
    - spam : detection based on previously confirmed spam with BI>=20.
    - site : flood and hipcrime detection.
    Tip: Nocem has been a recognized source for years.
    Recommended for use on all servers.
    This robot seems to have stopped since January 1, 2024
    5.2 - " nocembot "
    Information : http://usenet.ovh/?article=nocem
    Public key : http://usenet.ovh/files/alfanet_0x5789E33A_public
    Types of nocems :
    - spam : spams and clearly malicious articles
    - flood : well-known regular flooders
    Tip: New public Nocems source since June 5, 2023
    (previously restricted to the news.usenet.ovh server).
    The website details what is filtered.
    Recommended for use on all servers.
    5.3 - nocem@eternal-september.org
    Information : https://www.eternal-september.org/index.php?showpage=nocem >Public key : : https://www.eternal-september.org/nocem-eternal-september.asc >Les types de nocems :
    - spam : drugs/meds/cards/casino from GoogleGroups
    - bot : bot generated pseudo discussions from various sources
    (currently from Abavia).
    Tip : New public Nocems source since septembre 25, 2023
    Recommended use of on all servers.
    5.4 - " nono le petit robot "
    Information : https://pasdenom.info/nocem.html
    Public key : http://pasdenom.info/gpg/robot.pasdenom.asc
    Types of nocems :
    - spam : spams 99,99%
    - spam2 : spams with rare false positives
    - spam3 : spam with false positives
    - spam4 : spams with slightly more false positives
    - site : rare manual notices
    Tip: these nocems are the result of the use of "spamassasin".
    An effective product usually used to detect spam in emails.
    Here, the sample used to train the robot to detect spam seems
    to be poorly done: too much false positives for spam.
    Other types of nocem generate inappropriate false positives.
    In particular spam3 and 4, which on some forums, such as fr.soc.politique, >could be seen as censorship.
    The "site" nocem is used for abuse that is generally consensual.
    5.5 - " i2pn2-nocem " <i2pn2-nocem@i2pn2.org>
    Information : ?
    Public key : https://www.novabbs.com/hierarchy/i2pn2-nocem.txt
    Types of nocems :
    - spam : These bot-spam NoCeM notices may cover any hierarchy and
    are automatically generated by a spamassassin script.
    Tip : Recommended use of on all servers.
    5.6 - "news.chmurka.net nocembot" <nocem@chmurka.net>
    Information : http://news.chmurka.net/nocem.php
    Public key : http://news.chmurka.net/nocem-chmurka.asc
    Types of nocems :
    - thai : NoCeM notice for Thai flood originating from Google Groups.
    Tip : Recommended use of on all servers.
    6 - Conclusion
    If you want to contribute to this document, you can reply directly
    to this message (or by e-mail if you prefer).
    7 - References:
    - The NoCeM FAQ. V0.93: http://www.cm.org/faq.html
    - Kleopatra: https://www.openpgp.org/software/kleopatra/
    (certificate manager and GUI for GnuP)
    - Global cancels: <news:m25ylayonf.fsf@raybanana.net>

    is there some reason why this particularly active newsgroup "fr.soc.politique" (e.g. paganini.bofh.team shows 3003421, news.blueworldhosting.com has 4279506) has attracted so much discussion among news server administrators in this and other newsgroups? seems like a reasonable question to ask, but perhaps not so easy to answer, enquiring minds want to know . . . is it political? forbidden?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From faq@21:1/5 to All on Mon Apr 1 21:03:14 2024
    XPost: news.answers

    Contents :
    1 - Preamble
    2 - Definition of NoCeM
    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?
    4 - Nocem issuers
    5 - Descriptions and tips on existing nocems
    6 - Conclusion
    7 - References

    1 - Preamble

    This document, posted monthly, list the nocems currently published
    on the "news.lists.filters" group.
    It does not deal with nocems published in a local hierarchy.
    The aim is to publicize existing general nocems so that server
    administrators can decide which nocems they wish to apply or not.

    2 - Definition

    NoCeM (pronounced No See 'Em) is a modern solution for managing spam.

    Rather than issuing a "cancel" on a spam message that most servers will
    reject, we generate a message in the "news.lists.filters" group called
    "nocem", which contain the message(s) to be deleted.

    Each nocem is signed with a gpg key to guarantee its authenticity.

    The manager of each server is free to apply these nocems or not,
    unlike global cancels, nothing is imposed.

    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?

    - Using nocems requires the server administrator to modify its configuration
    to accept them. Otherwise, the nocem does nothing on the server.
    It's a simple text message.

    - Cancel, on the other hand, is accepted by default by the server
    configuration. It's up to the server administrator to modify his config
    to refuse certain types of cancels. This is not always easy for servers
    with little administration or little knowledge of "fr" specificities.

    Reminder: general NoCeMs are published in news.lists.filters.

    4 - Nocem issuers

    - " bleachbot " <bleachbot@httrack.com>

    - " nocembot " <nocem@usenet.ovh>

    - <nocem@eternal-september.org>

    - " nono le petit robot " <robot@pasdenom.info>

    - " i2pn2-nocem " <i2pn2-nocem@i2pn2.org>

    - "news.chmurka.net nocembot" <nocem@chmurka.net>

    5 - Descriptions and tips for existing nocems

    5.1 - " bleachbot "

    Information : http://home.httrack.net/~nocem/

    Public key : http://home.httrack.net/~nocem/bleachbot.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : detection based on previously confirmed spam with BI>=20.
    - site : flood and hipcrime detection.

    Tip: Nocem has been a recognized source for years.
    Recommended for use on all servers.

    This robot seems to have stopped since January 1, 2024

    5.2 - " nocembot "

    Information : http://usenet.ovh/?article=nocem

    Public key : http://usenet.ovh/files/alfanet_0x5789E33A_public

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : spams and clearly malicious articles
    - flood : well-known regular flooders

    Tip: New public Nocems source since June 5, 2023
    (previously restricted to the news.usenet.ovh server).
    The website details what is filtered.
    Recommended for use on all servers.

    5.3 - nocem@eternal-september.org

    Information : https://www.eternal-september.org/index.php?showpage=nocem

    Public key : : https://www.eternal-september.org/nocem-eternal-september.asc

    Les types de nocems :
    - spam : drugs/meds/cards/casino from GoogleGroups
    - bot : bot generated pseudo discussions from various sources
    (currently from Abavia).

    Tip : New public Nocems source since septembre 25, 2023
    Recommended use of on all servers.

    5.4 - " nono le petit robot "

    Information : https://pasdenom.info/nocem.html

    Public key : http://pasdenom.info/gpg/robot.pasdenom.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : spams 99,99%
    - spam2 : spams with rare false positives
    - spam3 : spam with false positives
    - spam4 : spams with slightly more false positives
    - site : rare manual notices

    Tip: these nocems are the result of the use of "spamassasin".
    An effective product usually used to detect spam in emails.
    Here, the sample used to train the robot to detect spam seems
    to be poorly done: too much false positives for spam.
    Other types of nocem generate inappropriate false positives.
    In particular spam3 and 4, which on some forums, such as fr.soc.politique, could be seen as censorship.
    The "site" nocem is used for abuse that is generally consensual.

    5.5 - " i2pn2-nocem " <i2pn2-nocem@i2pn2.org>

    Information : ?

    Public key : https://www.novabbs.com/hierarchy/i2pn2-nocem.txt

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : These bot-spam NoCeM notices may cover any hierarchy and
    are automatically generated by a spamassassin script.

    Tip : Recommended use of on all servers.

    5.6 - "news.chmurka.net nocembot" <nocem@chmurka.net>

    Information : http://news.chmurka.net/nocem.php

    Public key : http://news.chmurka.net/nocem-chmurka.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - thai : NoCeM notice for Thai flood originating from Google Groups.

    Tip : Recommended use of on all servers.

    6 - Conclusion

    If you want to contribute to this document, you can reply directly
    to this message (or by e-mail if you prefer).

    7 - References:
    - The NoCeM FAQ. V0.93: http://www.cm.org/faq.html
    - Kleopatra: https://www.openpgp.org/software/kleopatra/
    (certificate manager and GUI for GnuP)
    - Global cancels: <news:m25ylayonf.fsf@raybanana.net>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Adam H. Kerman@21:1/5 to faq on Wed May 1 14:58:35 2024
    faq <faq@usenet.ovh> wrote:

    Contents :
    1 - Preamble
    2 - Definition of NoCeM
    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?
    4 - Nocem issuers
    5 - Descriptions and tips on existing nocems
    6 - Conclusion
    7 - References

    . . .

    The manager of each server is free to apply these nocems or not,
    unlike global cancels, nothing is imposed.

    Oh, c'mon. Don't put statements in a document meant to be taken
    seriously expressing the personal opinion of a certain party that is
    unique among all of Usenet server administration.

    That those two French News servers weren't configured to reject all
    cancel messages was a decision made by their News administrators.

    Accepting or rejecting control messages is a matter of how a News
    server is configured, never an "imposition". News administrators run
    Usenet, not parties issuing control messages.

    Please use the term "News administrator", noting the capitalization.
    They aren't managers.

    . . .

    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?

    - Using nocems requires the server administrator to modify its configuration >to accept them. Otherwise, the nocem does nothing on the server.
    It's a simple text message.

    - Cancel, on the other hand, is accepted by default by the server >configuration. It's up to the server administrator to modify his config
    to refuse certain types of cancels. This is not always easy for servers
    with little administration or little knowledge of "fr" specificities.

    Yes. Configuring a News server to meet the needs of the users being
    supported is a basic part of News administration. If one lacks such
    knowledge, then one learns how to do these things.

    I'm declaring the cron job posting this FAQ an instance of trolling.
    I'll shut the fuck up now so as not to further troll feed.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From llp@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 1 19:11:40 2024
    Adam H. Kerman a présenté l'énoncé suivant :
    faq <faq@usenet.ovh> wrote:

    Contents :
    1 - Preamble
    2 - Definition of NoCeM
    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?
    4 - Nocem issuers
    5 - Descriptions and tips on existing nocems
    6 - Conclusion
    7 - References

    . . .

    The manager of each server is free to apply these nocems or not,
    unlike global cancels, nothing is imposed.

    Oh, c'mon. Don't put statements in a document meant to be taken
    seriously expressing the personal opinion of a certain party that is
    unique among all of Usenet server administration.

    That those two French News servers weren't configured to reject all
    cancel messages was a decision made by their News administrators.

    Maybe yes, maybe no.
    Who's to say that all admins running inn2 servers with versions lower
    than 2.7 know that they accept all cancels ?
    Some have discovered this through past abuse.

    Accepting or rejecting control messages is a matter of how a News
    server is configured, never an "imposition". News administrators run
    Usenet, not parties issuing control messages.

    inn's default configuration means that nocems do nothing and cancels
    (even abusive ones) are accepted. This is a fact.
    I saw it for myself when I created my server.
    Other admins have learned this too and have forbidden this type of
    cancel on their servers. But are other admins aware of this (outside
    the fr hierarchy, where this type of behavior has been frequent) ?
    I don't know, and that's why I think it's worth mentioning.
    We can certainly improve the faq, you can help.

    Please use the term "News administrator", noting the capitalization.
    They aren't managers.

    English is not my native langage.
    I'll note your suggestion for the next issue.


    Admin of news.usenet.ovh

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From faq@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 1 08:10:57 2024
    XPost: news.answers

    Contents :
    1 - Preamble
    2 - Definition of NoCeM
    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?
    4 - Nocem issuers
    5 - Descriptions and tips on existing nocems
    6 - Conclusion
    7 - References

    1 - Preamble

    This document, posted monthly, list the nocems currently published
    on the "news.lists.filters" group.
    It does not deal with nocems published in a local hierarchy.
    The aim is to publicize existing general nocems so that server
    administrators can decide which nocems they wish to apply or not.

    2 - Definition

    NoCeM (pronounced No See 'Em) is a modern solution for managing spam.

    Rather than issuing a "cancel" on a spam message that most servers will
    reject, we generate a message in the "news.lists.filters" group called
    "nocem", which contain the message(s) to be deleted.

    Each nocem is signed with a gpg key to guarantee its authenticity.

    The News administrators of each server is free to apply these nocems or not, unlike global cancels, nothing is imposed.

    3 - NoCeM or Cancel?

    - Using nocems requires the server administrator to modify its configuration
    to accept them. Otherwise, the nocem does nothing on the server.
    It's a simple text message.

    - Cancel, on the other hand, is accepted by default by the server
    configuration. It's up to the server administrator to modify his config
    to refuse certain types of cancels. This is not always easy for servers
    with little administration or little knowledge of "fr" specificities.

    Reminder: general NoCeMs are published in news.lists.filters.

    4 - Nocem issuers

    - " bleachbot " <bleachbot@httrack.com>

    - " nocembot " <nocem@usenet.ovh>

    - <nocem@eternal-september.org>

    - " nono le petit robot " <robot@pasdenom.info>

    - " i2pn2-nocem " <i2pn2-nocem@i2pn2.org>

    - "news.chmurka.net nocembot" <nocem@chmurka.net>

    5 - Descriptions and tips for existing nocems

    5.1 - " bleachbot "

    Information : http://home.httrack.net/~nocem/

    Public key : http://home.httrack.net/~nocem/bleachbot.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : detection based on previously confirmed spam with BI>=20.
    - site : flood and hipcrime detection.

    Tip: Nocem has been a recognized source for years.
    Recommended for use on all servers.

    This robot seems to have stopped since January 1, 2024

    5.2 - " nocembot "

    Information : http://usenet.ovh/?article=nocem

    Public key : http://usenet.ovh/files/alfanet_0x5789E33A_public

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : spams and clearly malicious articles
    - flood : well-known regular flooders

    Tip: New public Nocems source since June 5, 2023
    (previously restricted to the news.usenet.ovh server).
    The website details what is filtered.
    Recommended for use on all servers.

    5.3 - nocem@eternal-september.org

    Information : https://www.eternal-september.org/index.php?showpage=nocem

    Public key : : https://www.eternal-september.org/nocem-eternal-september.asc

    Les types de nocems :
    - spam : drugs/meds/cards/casino from GoogleGroups
    - bot : bot generated pseudo discussions from various sources
    (currently from Abavia).

    Tip : New public Nocems source since septembre 25, 2023
    Recommended use of on all servers.

    5.4 - " nono le petit robot "

    Information : https://pasdenom.info/nocem.html

    Public key : http://pasdenom.info/gpg/robot.pasdenom.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : spams 99,99%
    - spam2 : spams with rare false positives
    - spam3 : spam with false positives
    - spam4 : spams with slightly more false positives
    - site : rare manual notices

    Tip: these nocems are the result of the use of "spamassasin".
    An effective product usually used to detect spam in emails.
    Here, the sample used to train the robot to detect spam seems
    to be poorly done: too much false positives for spam.
    Other types of nocem generate inappropriate false positives.
    In particular spam3 and 4, which on some forums, such as fr.soc.politique, could be seen as censorship.
    The "site" nocem is used for abuse that is generally consensual.

    5.5 - " i2pn2-nocem " <i2pn2-nocem@i2pn2.org>

    Information : ?

    Public key : https://www.novabbs.com/hierarchy/i2pn2-nocem.txt

    Types of nocems :
    - spam : These bot-spam NoCeM notices may cover any hierarchy and
    are automatically generated by a spamassassin script.

    Tip : Recommended use of on all servers.

    5.6 - "news.chmurka.net nocembot" <nocem@chmurka.net>

    Information : http://news.chmurka.net/nocem.php

    Public key : http://news.chmurka.net/nocem-chmurka.asc

    Types of nocems :
    - thai : NoCeM notice for Thai flood originating from Google Groups.

    Tip : Recommended use of on all servers.

    6 - Conclusion

    If you want to contribute to this document, you can reply directly
    to this message (or by e-mail if you prefer).

    7 - References:
    - The NoCeM FAQ. V0.93: http://www.cm.org/faq.html
    - Kleopatra: https://www.openpgp.org/software/kleopatra/
    (certificate manager and GUI for GnuP)
    - Global cancels: <news:m25ylayonf.fsf@raybanana.net>

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