• Download Login Page Hotspot Dengan Halaman Registrasi Telegram Bot

    From Jackqueline Kenneally@21:1/5 to All on Mon Nov 27 12:38:03 2023
    How to Download and Edit a Login Page Hotspot with Registration Bot Telegram
    If you want to create a login page hotspot for your Mikrotik router that has a registration feature with notification to a Telegram bot, you can download a free template from Labkom.co.id[^2^]. This template has a simple design, responsive layout, and
    various pages such as price list, terms of service, and maintenance. In this article, we will show you how to download and edit the template according to your needs.

    Download Login Page Hotspot dengan Halaman Registrasi Telegram Bot
    Download https://8conriagaso.blogspot.com/?download=2wGKjh

    Step 1: Download the Template
    You can download the template from this link: https://labkom.co.id/mikrotik/download-login-page-hotspot-dengan-halaman-registrasi-telegram-bot. The template is named WIFICORNER 1.3 and it is licensed under ISC. The author is Agus Purnomo and you can
    contact him on his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/nyess.id.

    Step 2: Configure the Telegram Bot
    Before you can use the registration feature with notification to a Telegram bot, you need to create a bot on Telegram and get its token and chat ID. You can follow these steps to create a bot:

    Open Telegram and search for BotFather.
    Send /newbot command and follow the instructions.
    Choose a name and a username for your bot.
    Copy the token that BotFather gives you.
    Open a chat with your bot and send /start command.
    Open another chat with get_id_bot and send /my_id command.
    Copy the chat ID that get_id_bot gives you.

    After you have the token and chat ID of your bot, you need to edit the file /js/signup.js with your favorite text editor. Find the code token = " "; and chat_id =" "; and fill in your token and chat ID. Save the file.

    Step 3: Add Walled Garden
    To allow the registration feature to work, you need to add api.telegram.org to the walled garden of your hotspot Mikrotik. This means that users can access this domain without logging in. To do this, open the terminal of your Mikrotik router and type or
    copy this code:

    /ip hotspot walled-garden
    add action=allow disabled=no dst-host=api.telegram.org

    Note: This feature is only for notification purposes, you still need to manually add users to your Mikrotik router.

    Step 4: Edit the Template
    Now you can edit the template to suit your preferences. You can change the title, address, contact, price list, terms of service, and maintenance pages by editing these files:


    You can use any HTML editor or online tool to edit these files. Make sure to save your changes and upload them to your Mikrotik router.

    Step 5: Test Your Login Page Hotspot
    You are done! You can now test your login page hotspot with registration bot Telegram by connecting to your hotspot network and opening a browser. You should see something like this:

    If you click on "Daftar Sekarang", you will see a registration form where users can enter their name, email, phone number, and choose a package. After they submit the form, they will receive a

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