• Re: This state just enacted a first-of-its-kind law against semi-trucks

    From Eat shit Newsom@21:1/5 to trumptardss@gmail.com on Wed Jul 5 09:13:04 2023
    XPost: alt.energy.automobile, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, sac.politics
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    "Jeffery Epstein: Trump Confidante" <trumptardss@gmail.com> wrote in news:ssq42q$lva9$47@news.freedyn.de:

    Lee wrote

    Obama is a piece of shit and Biden is one of his turds.

    In March, the state of California finally got approval to enact a law it adopted in 2020. As the New York Times reports, by 2035, more than half of
    all “heavy vehicles” sold in the state must be electric.

    Typically, the term “heavy vehicles” refers to extremely large vehicles
    like semi trucks, freight trucks, and passenger buses. Nationwide, the
    Biden administration is working on new laws that will help reduce heat- trapping air pollution from these trucks. But California isn’t waiting for federal regulations to do the job.

    Instead, the state’s newly enacted bill will require heavy vehicle manufacturers to ensure that a certain percentage of their trucks are all- electric. The rule requires this for 55% of delivery vans and smaller
    trucks, 75% of buses and larger trucks, and 40% of tractor-trailers and
    other big rigs.

    The Times reports that the law was initially adopted in 2020. However,
    because it includes stricter requirements than federal laws, California
    had to receive a waiver from the EPA to actually put it into practice. California received that waiver in March.

    In 2022, the Times reports that only 2% of heavy vehicles sold in the U.S.
    were all-electric. Instead, the majority of trucks have traditional
    engines that burn fuel, such as diesel. Fuel-burning combustion engines
    are loud, smelly, and release air pollution, including heat-trapping gases
    that warm up the planet.

    A widespread switch to EVs would lead to cleaner, quieter streets and help
    stop rising temperatures worldwide. That’s why California is pushing for electric trucks and, in another recent move, electric passenger vehicles.

    Where California leads, the rest of the U.S. may follow. The Times reports
    that six other states are waiting to enact similar laws.

    At the same time, as manufacturers change their design and production
    plans to meet California’s requirements, they’re also likely to change
    their offerings in other states to match.

    15 hours ago

    Here is whats going to happen. EV trucks will never be practical, simple physics, so no one will buy them. The state of California cannot regulate vehicles registered in other states. Under the omnibus vehicle control act
    of 1938 they must treat a vehicle registered in say Arizona as it is
    registered in Arizona which means they cannot prevent it from operating in California. So ALL the trucking companies in California will move to other states taking all the hundreds of millions in fees and taxes with them.
    But they will still operate in California. Good move Sacramento.


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