• Re: Dali ship owners deny all responsibility for deadly Baltimore bridg

    From David Hartung@21:1/5 to Union Welfare on Tue Apr 2 22:46:53 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, md.politics
    XPost: alt.politics.democrats

    On 4/2/24 22:33, Union Welfare wrote:
    The owners of the Dali container ship involved in the deadly collapse of
    a Baltimore bridge last week, after it crashed into the structure, have denied responsibility and are seeking to limit their legal liability.

    Grace Ocean Private Limited, the ship’s owner, and the manager Synergy Marine Pte said in a federal court filing on Monday that they denied any fault or neglect of the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge that
    claimed the lives of six construction workers.

    The companies are asking for exoneration from liability, but if they are
    held responsible in lawsuits, the companies are asking for a cap on any payout.

    The joint filing, submitted in a Maryland District Court, seeks to cap
    the companies’ liability at roughly $43.6m.

    “The [bridge collapse] was not due to any fault, neglect, or want of
    care on the part of [ship owner & operator], the Vessel, or any persons
    or entities for whose acts [ship owner & operator] may be responsible,”
    the filing stated.

    “Alternatively, if any such faults caused or contributed to the [bridge collapse], or to any loss or damage arising out of the [bridge
    collapse], which is denied, such faults were occasioned and occurred
    without [ship owner & operator] privity or knowledge.”

    The owner and operator of the Dali vessel submitted the filing under the Limitation of Liability Act of 1851, a piece of legislation that enables
    ship owners to limit their liability for certain claims to the value of
    the vessel and its cargo at the end of its journey.

    The filing estimates that the vessel itself is valued at up to $90m and
    was owed over $1.1m in income from the freight. They also estimate that repair costs will be at least $28m and at least $19.5m in salvaging the

    A sum of $60m in emergency aid has already been approved by President
    Joe Biden’s administration last week, to begin the process of removing debris from the water.

    In a news release, the US Department of Transportation referred to the
    funds as a “downpayment toward initial costs”.

    The 300-metre-long vessel had a cargo of 4,679 containers when it lost
    power and collided with the bridge in the early hours of the morning on
    26 March.

    Construction workers were on the 1.6-mile-long bridge at the time of the collapse, with the structure falling into the Patapsco river below.

    Two people were rescued shortly after, but six people, all construction workers, remained missing in the days after until two bodies were
    recovered from the disaster area submerged in the water.

    Four people remain missing but have been presumed dead by authorities.

    https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/dali-ship-owners- deny-responsibility-b2522029.html

    It is far too early to assess blame.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Scout@21:1/5 to Union Welfare on Wed Apr 3 06:51:12 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, md.politics
    XPost: alt.politics.democrats, talk.politics.misc

    "Union Welfare" <remailer@domain.invalid> wrote in message news:20240402.233312.9d7392be@erienetworks.net...
    The owners of the Dali container ship involved in the deadly collapse of
    a Baltimore bridge last week, after it crashed into the structure, have denied responsibility and are seeking to limit their legal liability.

    Grace Ocean Private Limited, the ship?Ts owner, and the manager Synergy Marine Pte said in a federal court filing on Monday that they denied any fault or neglect of the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge that
    claimed the lives of six construction workers.

    The companies are asking for exoneration from liability, but if they are
    held responsible in lawsuits, the companies are asking for a cap on any payout.

    The joint filing, submitted in a Maryland District Court, seeks to cap
    the companies?T liability at roughly $43.6m.

    ?oThe [bridge collapse] was not due to any fault, neglect, or want of
    care on the part of [ship owner & operator], the Vessel, or any persons
    or entities for whose acts [ship owner & operator] may be responsible,?
    the filing stated.

    If there wasn't any fault.. why did the power go out?

    Oh, that wasn't your fault?

    So why did the emergency power go out?

    If you're not responsible for the condition of your ship.. then who is?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Greg@21:1/5 to All on Wed Apr 3 18:01:46 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, md.politics
    XPost: alt.politics.democrats, talk.politics.misc

    On 03 Apr 2024, "Scout" <me4guns@verizon.removeme.this2.nospam.net>
    posted some news:uujet8$3t4u7$1@dont-email.me:

    "Union Welfare" <remailer@domain.invalid> wrote in message news:20240402.233312.9d7392be@erienetworks.net...
    The owners of the Dali container ship involved in the deadly collapse
    of a Baltimore bridge last week, after it crashed into the structure,
    have denied responsibility and are seeking to limit their legal

    Grace Ocean Private Limited, the ship?Ts owner, and the manager
    Synergy Marine Pte said in a federal court filing on Monday that they
    denied any fault or neglect of the collapse of the Francis Scott Key
    Bridge that claimed the lives of six construction workers.

    The companies are asking for exoneration from liability, but if they
    are held responsible in lawsuits, the companies are asking for a cap
    on any payout.

    The joint filing, submitted in a Maryland District Court, seeks to
    cap the companies?T liability at roughly $43.6m.

    ?oThe [bridge collapse] was not due to any fault, neglect, or want
    of care on the part of [ship owner & operator], the Vessel, or any
    persons or entities for whose acts [ship owner & operator] may be
    responsible,? the filing stated.

    If there wasn't any fault.. why did the power go out?

    Black DEI union pilot hit the wrong switch.

    Oh, that wasn't your fault?

    He's driving!

    So why did the emergency power go out?

    Black DEI union pilot hit the wrong switch again.

    If you're not responsible for the condition of your ship.. then who

    The pilot and City of Baltimore are when he's driving.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)