• Re: Who Takes the Eurostar? Almost No One, as the Phoney Pandemic Fuels

    From Ulf Kutzner@21:1/5 to Leroy N. Soetoro on Wed Jan 25 00:30:40 2023
    Leroy N. Soetoro schrieb am Samstag, 26. Dezember 2020 um 20:32:05 UTC+1:

    https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/21/business/eurostar-pandemic-train- europe.html

    PARIS — Earlier this month, David-Alexander Leduc rolled his suitcase down a nearly empty platform at the Gare du Nord train station and scanned his ticket at the turnstile to board the sole Eurostar leaving that day for London.

    Mr. Leduc used to shuttle regularly for business on one of at least 17 high-speed Eurostar trains that ran back and forth daily, morning to
    night, through the underwater Channel Tunnel linking Britain and France.

    He was lucky there was a train to take.

    “It’s constraining,” said Mr. Leduc, who lives in London and has cut back
    hopping over to France to meet clients as a plunge in ridership from national quarantines forces Eurostar to slash services. “But you have to adapt.”

    Eurostar has to leave one third of its seats empty during peak hours
    as British border services cannot deal with the full amount of passengers.

    Didn't hear similar stories from British airports.

    Regards, ULF

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