• Fire at Schaffhausen locomotive depot

    From Robert@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 21 10:26:15 2023
    From <https://www.shn.ch/region/stadt/2023-01-20/schaffhauser-lokdepot-in-vollbrand>.

    "According to the Schaffhausen police, at 01:45 early Friday morning, a resident in the city of Schaffhausen reported to the operations centre
    that the locomotive depot at the goods station was on fire. The fire was immediately fought by the fire brigade of the city of Schaffhausen.

    There were no people in the building at the time of the fire. However,
    four old steam locomotives were parked in the locomotive depot. These
    were significantly damaged by the full fire and the extinguishing work.
    The cause of the fire is the subject of ongoing investigations. The Schaffhausen police are asking people who can provide relevant
    information about the fire or the cause of the fire to contact their
    operations and traffic control centre on 052 624 24 24.

    More than 30 members of the Schaffhausen fire brigade, several
    paramedics, the fire police, the SBB intervention with a fire engine and officials from the Schaffhausen police were on duty.

    As Roger Waller, manager of Dampflokomotiv- und Maschinenfabrik (DLM)
    told Schaffhauser Nachrichten, four DLM steam locomotives were in the
    building at the time of the fire. One of these four is a 52-8055 steam locomotive, which was modernized in 1999 for the Mittelthurgau travel
    agency's "Trial trips on the Orient Express". The other three are
    storage locomotives, two of which are operational and one is not. "As
    far as I know, the three operational locomotives have been pulled out of
    the burning building," says Waller.

    Waller cannot yet provide any information about the condition or the
    damage caused to the steam locomotives. He wasn't allowed to look at the locomotives because the police hadn't released the scene of the fire.
    According to Patrick Caprez, media spokesman for the Schaffhausen
    police, the investigation is ongoing."
    "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational
    in order to prove that you care, or, indeed, why it should be necessary
    to prove it at all." - Avon, Blake's 7

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