• Re: Liar Biden repeats false claim about trips to Iraq and Afghanistan,

    From Donny Rotten@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jun 29 05:13:36 2023
    XPost: alt.politics.libertarian, alt.politics.democrats, talk.politics.guns XPost: sac.politics

    In article <skp49r$btm$123@news.dns-netz.com>
    forging asshole <governor.swill@gmail.com> wrote:

    NSC says correct number of Biden trips to Iraq and Afghanistan
    is 21, not the 40 he claimed

    President Biden Friday again made an exaggeration about the
    number of times he's been to the Middle East, as he gave a
    commencement speech to U.S. Naval Academy graduates in Maryland.

    "I've been in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan of over 40 I think
    38 times," the president said.

    That number was incorrect, however. A spokesperson for Biden's
    National Security Council (NSC) said Friday the correct number
    of times Biden visited Iraq and Afghanistan is 21.

    Biden made the Friday comment in the context of congratulating
    Naval Academy graduates of being, "members of the greatest
    fighting force in the history of the world." The president said
    that based on his visits to the Middle East, and his family's
    military service, he has firsthand knowledge of the quality of
    the U.S. armed forces.

    "I've seen you in action, this is the finest military, not a
    joke, we have the finest military in the history of the world,"
    Biden said.

    Friday's statement was not the first time Biden's made a false
    claim about how often he's visited the Middle East. While
    running for president, Biden said at least once he'd been to
    Iraq and Afghanistan "over 30 times," according to the
    Washington Post.

    There you have it. A Democrat liar drunk with power pretending
    to be a leader.

    https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-iraq-afghanistan-about-40- times-administration-says-its-half-of-that

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