• Re: These strange low-IQ uneducated ignorant iKooks live squarely atop

    From *Hemidactylus*@21:1/5 to Wally J on Sun Dec 24 20:48:08 2023
    Wally J <walterjones@invalid.nospam> wrote:


    First off, "stupider" isn't even a word;

    Yeah? https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/are-stupider-and-stupidest-real-words


    To wit:
    Q: How much do _you_ know about immunology?

    HINT: I wrote a book (unpublished as yet) about Type IV cellular immunity
    as it pertains to allergies (specifically poison oak allergies).

    To what extent is there non-heritable somatic DNA change in B-lymphocytes
    after exposure to antigen (from pathogenic infection or vaccination)? What
    is this well known process of adaptive immunity called and what is its
    genetic mechanism? Don’t confuse it with somatic recombination, which
    itself makes T and B lymphocytes diverse enough to target a plethora of antigens.

    Why is it wrong to say the mRNA based vaccines are a form of genetic engineering? What do these vaccines lack which prevents conversion into DNA
    and integration into the genome of a cell?

    Why is the popular narrative that vaccination doesn’t result in minor
    genetic changes in very specific regions of immunoglobulin genes wrong? Why
    is it also wrong as the conspiracy theorists allege that the mRNA in these vaccines itself winds up in our DNA like it was a retrovirus?

    Have retroviruses been instrumental in the evolution of placentation in mammals?

    Why was ENCODE wrong in its PR dismissal of junk DNA in our genome?

    DOUBLEHINT: I'm on record on this ng for being a contributing author to a peer-reviewed published paper on how microorganisms inherit antibiotic resistance, too. I won't quote it as my name is on it - and you'll refute
    it out of hand - because you're on Mount Stupid - but the adults in this newsgroup will believe me because, unlike you, I'm well educated in a
    variety of fields, one of which is in the biological sciences.

    So phages and/or plasmids? An example of evolutionary gene flow, subset horizontal gene transfer? If you are not blowing smoke up my ass I will
    give you credit for that. But that’s a HUGE threshold for you to surmount because I am not easily bullshitted on immunology or evolutionary biology.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to Wally J on Sun Dec 24 15:04:46 2023
    On 2023-12-24 12:17, Wally J wrote:
    *Hemidactylus* <ecphoric@allspamis.invalid> wrote

    Have you ever heard of "*Mount Stupid*" before I brought up Dunning-Kruger? >>>
    Wharton organizational psychologist Adam Grant famously popularized it in
    his book *Think Again* so you are not so unique in "knowing" about this
    fictitious representation.

    Hi Hemidactylus,

    The problem with you iKooks is you get _everything wrong_ in every case.
    a. Alan Baker swears he's taken Physics & yet never heard of a catenary

    That is simply a lie as I never once said anything like that.

    b. Chris swears he has a medical-based Phd & yet ridiculed immunology terms c. Jolly Roger swears Apple fully patches older releases when Apple doesn't d. nospam swears graphical signal strength apps exist - and yet they do not e. You refute the D-K effect & yet you are ignorant of their seminal papers etc.

    *Strange low-IQ uneducated ignorant iKooks live squarely on Mount Stupid*

    To wit...
    I never said I was "unique in knowing about Mount Stupid", Hemidactylus.

    In fact, everyone _except the iKooks_ seems to know this basic stuff.
    Which is my point, after all...


    Yet in that page you either didn't read or comprehend it is said of the
    graphs in the D-K effect paper: "These graphics bare little resemblance to >> the ones found online - having no "mount stupid" in evidence. The online
    images vary widely in their presentation, so if there is a primary source, >> then it would be good to know which one is the correct graphic, or if they >> are all fake."

    Again, I know EXACTLY what the graphs look like in the seminal papers, Hemidactylus - and in fact you disputed that they tested English scores.

    It's no longer shocking that you iKooks guess about everything.
    It's why you know nothing.

    It's why Alan Baker never heard of one of the most fundamental curves based on the forces of nature (which, let's be clear, work with centrifugal
    forces the same way they work with gravitational forces).

    BTW, do you see what I just wrote above?
    Look at it.

    Can you tell I have a vast educational advantage over you, Hemidactylus? Notice that most of the catenary cites will be about bridges.
    But also notice the forces of nature apply to centrifugal forces also.

    (Let's not get into the "fictitious forces" argument for the time being.)

    Do you think Alan Baker caught that the forces work the same in the horizontal (sidewise) direction as they do in the vertical direction?

    Forces work the same in general...

    ...but the specifics are very different.

    *I am sure he doesn't have a clue.*
    He is an iKook, after all.

    In fact, this "expert teacher of racing" has no idea what a centrifugal
    force is, and certainly any true racing instructor would know of it.

    I know precisely what centrifugal force is an more importantly
    centriPETAL force.

    There are three facts I can tell you about Alan Baker which we proved:
    a. He claims to support customers' computers and yet he is completely
    ignorant about newsreader headers to the point that he's overconfident
    in his knowledge as shown by his repeated idiocies proven here:
    Who on earth is _that_ stupid? Nobody. Unless you live on Mount Stupid.

    Nope. That is not proven.

    b. He claims to be knowledgeable in BMWs, and yet, he stated he's owned
    them for years and yet he's never once heard of the term bimmer/beemer.
    Who on earth is _that_ stupid? Nobody. Unless you live on Mount Stupid.

    Nope. That's not what I claimed.

    c. He claims to race and to even be a "racing instructor" and yet he can't
    fathom how the Newtonian forces of nature which apply to a vertical
    catenary apply equally to the centrifugal forces racing around a curve.
    In fact, he claims that he's never heard of a catenary, even as claiming
    at the same time that he has taken Physics and Calculus classes.
    Who on earth is _that_ stupid? Nobody. Unless you live on Mount Stupid.

    I've never claimed not to have heard of a catenary, and I have taken
    both physics and calculus (and in standard English grammar, they
    shouldn't be capitalized).

    What I claimed (because it is true) is that no instructor I've spoken
    with as a student or as a colleague has ever mentioned the catenary in
    relation to racing.


    Would someone please reply so we can laugh at Arlen then replying only
    after removing every word I said?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hank Rogers@21:1/5 to All on Sun Dec 24 16:28:57 2023
    *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    Wally J <walterjones@invalid.nospam> wrote:


    First off, "stupider" isn't even a word;

    Yeah? https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/are-stupider-and-stupidest-real-words


    To wit:
    Q: How much do _you_ know about immunology?

    HINT: I wrote a book (unpublished as yet) about Type IV cellular immunity
    as it pertains to allergies (specifically poison oak allergies).

    To what extent is there non-heritable somatic DNA change in B-lymphocytes after exposure to antigen (from pathogenic infection or vaccination)? What
    is this well known process of adaptive immunity called and what is its genetic mechanism? Don’t confuse it with somatic recombination, which itself makes T and B lymphocytes diverse enough to target a plethora of antigens.

    Why is it wrong to say the mRNA based vaccines are a form of genetic engineering? What do these vaccines lack which prevents conversion into DNA and integration into the genome of a cell?

    Why is the popular narrative that vaccination doesn’t result in minor genetic changes in very specific regions of immunoglobulin genes wrong? Why is it also wrong as the conspiracy theorists allege that the mRNA in these vaccines itself winds up in our DNA like it was a retrovirus?

    Have retroviruses been instrumental in the evolution of placentation in mammals?

    Why was ENCODE wrong in its PR dismissal of junk DNA in our genome?

    DOUBLEHINT: I'm on record on this ng for being a contributing author to a
    peer-reviewed published paper on how microorganisms inherit antibiotic
    resistance, too. I won't quote it as my name is on it - and you'll refute
    it out of hand - because you're on Mount Stupid - but the adults in this
    newsgroup will believe me because, unlike you, I'm well educated in a
    variety of fields, one of which is in the biological sciences.

    So phages and/or plasmids? An example of evolutionary gene flow, subset horizontal gene transfer? If you are not blowing smoke up my ass I will
    give you credit for that. But that’s a HUGE threshold for you to surmount because I am not easily bullshitted on immunology or evolutionary biology.

    Yeah, I agree. You sure told him.

    Next, lets see how smart he is on quantum physics. I bet you're
    a genius, right?

    He'll still be attacking iKooks, while you destroy him with
    your brilliance.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From *Hemidactylus*@21:1/5 to Alan on Sun Dec 24 23:13:42 2023
    Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com> wrote:
    On 2023-12-24 12:17, Wally J wrote:
    *Hemidactylus* <ecphoric@allspamis.invalid> wrote

    Have you ever heard of "*Mount Stupid*" before I brought up Dunning-Kruger?

    Wharton organizational psychologist Adam Grant famously popularized it in >>> his book *Think Again* so you are not so unique in "knowing" about this
    fictitious representation.

    Hi Hemidactylus,

    The problem with you iKooks is you get _everything wrong_ in every case.
    a. Alan Baker swears he's taken Physics & yet never heard of a catenary

    That is simply a lie as I never once said anything like that.

    b. Chris swears he has a medical-based Phd & yet ridiculed immunology terms >> c. Jolly Roger swears Apple fully patches older releases when Apple doesn't >> d. nospam swears graphical signal strength apps exist - and yet they do not >> e. You refute the D-K effect & yet you are ignorant of their seminal papers >> etc.

    *Strange low-IQ uneducated ignorant iKooks live squarely on Mount Stupid*

    To wit...
    I never said I was "unique in knowing about Mount Stupid", Hemidactylus.

    In fact, everyone _except the iKooks_ seems to know this basic stuff.
    Which is my point, after all...


    Yet in that page you either didn't read or comprehend it is said of the
    graphs in the D-K effect paper: "These graphics bare little resemblance to >>> the ones found online - having no "mount stupid" in evidence. The online >>> images vary widely in their presentation, so if there is a primary source, >>> then it would be good to know which one is the correct graphic, or if they >>> are all fake."

    Again, I know EXACTLY what the graphs look like in the seminal papers,
    Hemidactylus - and in fact you disputed that they tested English scores.

    It's no longer shocking that you iKooks guess about everything.
    It's why you know nothing.

    It's why Alan Baker never heard of one of the most fundamental curves based >> on the forces of nature (which, let's be clear, work with centrifugal
    forces the same way they work with gravitational forces).

    BTW, do you see what I just wrote above?
    Look at it.

    Can you tell I have a vast educational advantage over you, Hemidactylus?
    Notice that most of the catenary cites will be about bridges.
    But also notice the forces of nature apply to centrifugal forces also.

    (Let's not get into the "fictitious forces" argument for the time being.)

    Do you think Alan Baker caught that the forces work the same in the
    horizontal (sidewise) direction as they do in the vertical direction?

    Forces work the same in general...

    ...but the specifics are very different.

    *I am sure he doesn't have a clue.*
    He is an iKook, after all.

    In fact, this "expert teacher of racing" has no idea what a centrifugal
    force is, and certainly any true racing instructor would know of it.

    I know precisely what centrifugal force is an more importantly
    centriPETAL force.

    There are three facts I can tell you about Alan Baker which we proved:
    a. He claims to support customers' computers and yet he is completely
    ignorant about newsreader headers to the point that he's overconfident
    in his knowledge as shown by his repeated idiocies proven here:
    Who on earth is _that_ stupid? Nobody. Unless you live on Mount Stupid.

    Nope. That is not proven.

    b. He claims to be knowledgeable in BMWs, and yet, he stated he's owned
    them for years and yet he's never once heard of the term bimmer/beemer.
    Who on earth is _that_ stupid? Nobody. Unless you live on Mount Stupid.

    Nope. That's not what I claimed.

    c. He claims to race and to even be a "racing instructor" and yet he can't >> fathom how the Newtonian forces of nature which apply to a vertical
    catenary apply equally to the centrifugal forces racing around a curve.
    In fact, he claims that he's never heard of a catenary, even as claiming
    at the same time that he has taken Physics and Calculus classes.
    Who on earth is _that_ stupid? Nobody. Unless you live on Mount Stupid.

    I've never claimed not to have heard of a catenary, and I have taken
    both physics and calculus (and in standard English grammar, they
    shouldn't be capitalized).

    What I claimed (because it is true) is that no instructor I've spoken
    with as a student or as a colleague has ever mentioned the catenary in relation to racing.


    Would someone please reply so we can laugh at Arlen then replying only
    after removing every word I said?


    Your wish is my command.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jolly Roger@21:1/5 to Hank Rogers on Sun Dec 24 23:14:00 2023
    On 2023-12-24, Hank Rogers <hank@nospam.invalid> wrote:

    Yeah, I agree. You sure told him.

    Next, lets see how smart he is on quantum physics. I bet you're
    a genius, right?

    He'll still be attacking iKooks, while you destroy him with
    your brilliance.

    BoTh SiDeS, y'AlL...

    E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
    I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to All on Sun Dec 24 15:27:38 2023
    On 2023-12-24 15:13, *Hemidactylus* wrote:
    Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com> wrote:
    On 2023-12-24 12:17, Wally J wrote:
    *Hemidactylus* <ecphoric@allspamis.invalid> wrote

    Have you ever heard of "*Mount Stupid*" before I brought up Dunning-Kruger?

    Wharton organizational psychologist Adam Grant famously popularized it in >>>> his book *Think Again* so you are not so unique in "knowing" about this >>>> fictitious representation.

    Hi Hemidactylus,

    The problem with you iKooks is you get _everything wrong_ in every case. >>> a. Alan Baker swears he's taken Physics & yet never heard of a catenary

    That is simply a lie as I never once said anything like that.

    b. Chris swears he has a medical-based Phd & yet ridiculed immunology terms >>> c. Jolly Roger swears Apple fully patches older releases when Apple doesn't >>> d. nospam swears graphical signal strength apps exist - and yet they do not >>> e. You refute the D-K effect & yet you are ignorant of their seminal papers >>> etc.

    *Strange low-IQ uneducated ignorant iKooks live squarely on Mount Stupid* >>>
    To wit...
    I never said I was "unique in knowing about Mount Stupid", Hemidactylus. >>>
    In fact, everyone _except the iKooks_ seems to know this basic stuff.
    Which is my point, after all...


    Yet in that page you either didn't read or comprehend it is said of the >>>> graphs in the D-K effect paper: "These graphics bare little resemblance to >>>> the ones found online - having no "mount stupid" in evidence. The online >>>> images vary widely in their presentation, so if there is a primary source, >>>> then it would be good to know which one is the correct graphic, or if they >>>> are all fake."

    Again, I know EXACTLY what the graphs look like in the seminal papers,
    Hemidactylus - and in fact you disputed that they tested English scores. >>>
    It's no longer shocking that you iKooks guess about everything.
    It's why you know nothing.

    It's why Alan Baker never heard of one of the most fundamental curves based >>> on the forces of nature (which, let's be clear, work with centrifugal
    forces the same way they work with gravitational forces).

    BTW, do you see what I just wrote above?
    Look at it.

    Can you tell I have a vast educational advantage over you, Hemidactylus? >>> Notice that most of the catenary cites will be about bridges.
    But also notice the forces of nature apply to centrifugal forces also.

    (Let's not get into the "fictitious forces" argument for the time being.) >>>
    Do you think Alan Baker caught that the forces work the same in the
    horizontal (sidewise) direction as they do in the vertical direction?

    Forces work the same in general...

    ...but the specifics are very different.

    *I am sure he doesn't have a clue.*
    He is an iKook, after all.

    In fact, this "expert teacher of racing" has no idea what a centrifugal
    force is, and certainly any true racing instructor would know of it.

    I know precisely what centrifugal force is an more importantly
    centriPETAL force.

    There are three facts I can tell you about Alan Baker which we proved:
    a. He claims to support customers' computers and yet he is completely
    ignorant about newsreader headers to the point that he's overconfident
    in his knowledge as shown by his repeated idiocies proven here:
    Who on earth is _that_ stupid? Nobody. Unless you live on Mount Stupid.

    Nope. That is not proven.

    b. He claims to be knowledgeable in BMWs, and yet, he stated he's owned
    them for years and yet he's never once heard of the term bimmer/beemer.
    Who on earth is _that_ stupid? Nobody. Unless you live on Mount Stupid.

    Nope. That's not what I claimed.

    c. He claims to race and to even be a "racing instructor" and yet he can't >>> fathom how the Newtonian forces of nature which apply to a vertical
    catenary apply equally to the centrifugal forces racing around a curve.
    In fact, he claims that he's never heard of a catenary, even as claiming >>> at the same time that he has taken Physics and Calculus classes.
    Who on earth is _that_ stupid? Nobody. Unless you live on Mount Stupid.

    I've never claimed not to have heard of a catenary, and I have taken
    both physics and calculus (and in standard English grammar, they
    shouldn't be capitalized).

    What I claimed (because it is true) is that no instructor I've spoken
    with as a student or as a colleague has ever mentioned the catenary in
    relation to racing.


    Would someone please reply so we can laugh at Arlen then replying only
    after removing every word I said?


    Your wish is my command.

    You're a gentleman (or gentlelady), sir (or madam)!


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Wally J@21:1/5 to ecphoric@allspamis.invalid on Sun Dec 24 23:49:51 2023
    *Hemidactylus* <ecphoric@allspamis.invalid> wrote

    In fact, this "expert teacher of racing" has no idea what a centrifugal
    force is, and certainly any true racing instructor would know of it.

    I know precisely what centrifugal force is an more importantly
    centriPETAL force.

    Kudos to Alan Baker for actually knowing the difference between centripetal
    and centrifugal forces, where that's exactly why I said, and I quote:
    "(Let's not get into the "fictitious forces" argument for the time being.)"

    While gravity isn't a force either, we're using Newtonian descriptions, as
    once we get into the true nature of gravity, it will knock your socks off.

    The point was that all the furious googling in the world won't help you if
    you don't understand that the uniform forces of nature that work on a
    catenary in the vertical direction cause it to curve the way it does - just
    as the uniform forces of angular (mass:energy) movement:momentum (yes, some
    of which are fictitious) that work on a vehicle moving horizontally around
    a curve also form a catenary when they're similarly uniform.

    Now isn't that interesting!

    BTW, with respect to quantum mechanics, that will blow your socks off,
    e.g., gravity doesn't exist as a force - just as a virus isn't living.

    People have a hard time with both those concepts, one from biology and the other from physics - both of which are subject to interpretation - but if
    you don't _understand_ the fundamental concepts - you can't dispute them.

    Notice that Hemidactylus disputed the D-K conclusions, claiming he read the papers, and yet he ridiculed the fact I said they studied English Grammar proficiency in the seminal papers and that they grouped results into
    quartiles - both of which came up in Hemidactylus' own YouTube cite (which, clearly, he didn't watch as he wouldn't have cited it had he known that).

    The iKooks don't have the capacity to understand even the simplest of complexities (yes, I know) so what they do their whole lives, is fake it.

    In doing so, they fabricate all sorts of absurdly preposterous claims, particularly about Apple products such that Apple newsgroups devolve into a childish cesspool of assertions and denials (and outright fabrications).

    Which was my point about the iKooks such that...
    a. Jolly Roger disputes how Apple patches releases - and yet - his claims
    defy all logic (and they directly contradict Apple's own policies).
    b. Hemidactylus disputes how I characterized D-K - and yet - his claims
    that they didn't test grammar was preposterous - because they did.
    c. nospam disputes there are no graphical wi-fi debuggers (and scores of
    other functionalities) and yet he can NEVER come up with the app he
    claims exists on the Apple App Store. Hint: It doesn't exist.

    *How do you meaningfully converse with people who live on Mount Stupid?*
    You can't.

    Which is my point.

    In summary, for decades, this "Apple vs Whatever" conversation has been
    taking place - and yet - the ridiculous nature of the discussion is simply because iKooks are completely unable to fathom the complexities involved.
    BTW, did you ever notice how I make fun of the iKooks' lack of English
    grammar? There's a reason which they can't comprehend - which is that if
    you can't figure out the simplest of rules (such as who versus whom) - how
    can you understand complex ones? HINT: You can't.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Wally J@21:1/5 to Chris on Mon Dec 25 00:14:11 2023
    Chris <ithinkiam@gmail.com> wrote

    I'm not an immunologist, but even to me that sounds like a very niche topic to be writing a book about.

    Hi Chris,
    I have a good memory, even after the recent spate of operations, where you ridiculed the use of "vehicle" in immunology - and yes - you RIDICULED it.

    If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites, so let's just
    accept that you do not have any training in immunology & leave it at that.

    DOUBLEHINT: I'm on record on this ng for being a contributing author to a
    peer-reviewed published paper on how microorganisms inherit antibiotic
    resistance, too.

    By golly! A *contributing* author?! That's amazing. We are honoured to be
    in the presence of such greatness...

    Who was the senior author?

    First off, I was a lowly grad student, and secondly, all you have to do to
    be a "contributing author" to such peer-reviewed papers is do some of the research - so you again ridiculing it isn't warranted as my point was only
    that I have degrees in stuff that you iKooks don't and yet you iKooks
    ridicule things such as a catenary & D-K quartiles & immunology terms.

    My point is simply that you're all squarely to the west of Mount Stupid.
    You're so stupid - you don't even realize how stupid you are.

    That's the nicest way I can put it, at least the nicest way I can think of.

    I won't quote it as my name is on it - and you'll refute
    it out of hand

    So even you aren't confident on its significance.

    One scientific paper? The significance? Not much. However it was seminal.

    We studied the organisms and we studied their reactions and we surmised how what we observed could possibly have happened given the organisms were
    never exposed to what they were found to be immune to and we looked at
    patterns and we made assessments based on the facts as we knew them - which
    - turns out - a decade later - we were vindicated in all our premises.

    Science progresses. And that was before I changed fields completely.

    That was in the throes of the Vietnam War era by the way, and the science
    of immunology has progressed greatly since then - but even then it was immensely complex.

    If you iKooks can't figure out something as simple as whether or not you
    can name an app that does Wi-Fi graphical signal strength debugging, how on earth are you iKooks going to be able to figure out something like that?

    Unfortunately, most of the population has no clue about immunology (they
    think every vaccine is the same as the flu vaccine) - so they have no grasp
    of the immense differences this covid situation was for us (by the way, we studied the family of viruses which cause Covid (the family being known
    since at least the sixties), where even then a mere handful of
    Coronaviridae were responsible for something like 1/3 of all colds while
    the other two thirds required hundreds upon hundreds of other viruses).

    That's how formidable the Coronaviridae are in terms of attaching to
    mucosal cells in the lungs (and elsewhere - but particularly the lungs).

    BTW horizontal gene transfer (or inheritance) is quite well established in the microbiology literature. Not just for antibiotic resistance.

    You're surprisingly prescient, Chris, where I'm both a scientist and an engineer so I will agree with anyone if they make a logically sensible assessment of facts. Kudos to you for _understanding_ the basics.

    I'm impressed. I truly did not think you had it in you, Chris.
    I'm duly shocked. In a good way.

    Note: I'm also shocked when nospam fabricates there are many apps, such as
    mock location apps or on-device system-wide firewalls, for iOS when he
    can't ever name them - but that shock is, by way of contrast, in a bad way.

    - because you're on Mount Stupid - but the adults in this
    newsgroup will believe me because, unlike you, I'm well educated in a
    variety of fields, one of which is in the biological sciences.

    You *think* you're well educated. Posting pictures of books is not an education.

    There you go, Chris. For a second you had me respecting you.

    But then, you go on the classic iKook tangent thinking that a book is an education, when you missed the entire point (much like Alan Browne misses
    the point that he's logging into the very walled garden he claims doesn't exist).

    Just as Alan Browne constantly ridicules the existence of the walled
    garden, even as _everything_ he loves about iOS doesn't work without it...

    When you ridicule textbooks, it hints of you having never attended college.
    Once in a while, an iKook says something that an actual adult would say;
    and then, in the next sentence, they destroy any respect that they gained.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to Wally J on Tue Dec 26 11:49:39 2023
    On 2023-12-24 19:49, Wally J wrote:
    *Hemidactylus* <ecphoric@allspamis.invalid> wrote

    In fact, this "expert teacher of racing" has no idea what a centrifugal >>>> force is, and certainly any true racing instructor would know of it.

    I know precisely what centrifugal force is an more importantly
    centriPETAL force.

    Kudos to Alan Baker for actually knowing the difference between centripetal and centrifugal forces, where that's exactly why I said, and I quote:
    "(Let's not get into the "fictitious forces" argument for the time being.)"

    I learned it in high school...

    While gravity isn't a force either, we're using Newtonian descriptions, as once we get into the true nature of gravity, it will knock your socks off.

    ...and gravity is certainly a force. The attraction between objects can
    easily be measured.

    The point was that all the furious googling in the world won't help you if you don't understand that the uniform forces of nature that work on a catenary in the vertical direction cause it to curve the way it does - just as the uniform forces of angular (mass:energy) movement:momentum (yes, some of which are fictitious) that work on a vehicle moving horizontally around
    a curve also form a catenary when they're similarly uniform.

    No, they do not. Because in a catenary, all the external forces act
    vertically, but there are forces along the chain or rope as well.

    When in a curve in a car (or motorcycle) there is no such force along
    the line.

    I can show you why in the first phase of a corner (from the time you
    have slowed the car in a straight line to the speed required to
    negotiate the corner successfully), when braking and steering into the
    corner until you reach the point where the forces are purely lateral,
    the curve described MUST be a parabola.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hank Rogers@21:1/5 to Chris on Thu Dec 28 13:30:41 2023
    Chris wrote:
    Wally J <walterjones@invalid.nospam> wrote:
    Chris <ithinkiam@gmail.com> wrote

    I'm not an immunologist, but even to me that sounds like a very niche topic >>> to be writing a book about.

    Hi Chris,
    I have a good memory, even after the recent spate of operations, where you >> ridiculed the use of "vehicle" in immunology - and yes - you RIDICULED it. >>
    If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,

    I disagree.

    so let's just
    accept that you do not have any training in immunology & leave it at that. >>
    DOUBLEHINT: I'm on record on this ng for being a contributing author to a >>>> peer-reviewed published paper on how microorganisms inherit antibiotic >>>> resistance, too.

    By golly! A *contributing* author?! That's amazing. We are honoured to be >>> in the presence of such greatness...

    Who was the senior author?

    First off, I was a lowly grad student, and secondly, all you have to do to >> be a "contributing author" to such peer-reviewed papers is do some of the

    And what did you do that warrants you being able to still call yourself an immunologist decades later?

    I did my bachelors and PhD in Chemistry I don't call myself a chemist these days. I lead research projects in other fields.

    - so you again ridiculing it isn't warranted as my point was only
    that I have degrees

    That's what you claim yet won't directly evidence. The only thing others
    can go on is what you say, which is worthless. Especially when you
    constantly attack the messengers and name call.

    in stuff that you iKooks don't and yet you iKooks
    ridicule things such as a catenary & D-K quartiles & immunology terms.

    Name calling isn't at all ridiculouS, of course.

    The pattern, which you can't see of course, is you using terms incorrectly and then get all arsey when those who actually know stuff try to correct

    My point is simply that you're all squarely to the west of Mount Stupid.
    You're so stupid - you don't even realize how stupid you are.

    That's the nicest way I can put it, at least the nicest way I can think of.

    What's most funny regarding all this DK nonsense is you don't recognise how relevant it is to you. The more you claim you're an expert the more you
    come across as a know-it-all who actually knows little.

    I won't quote it as my name is on it - and you'll refute
    it out of hand

    So even you aren't confident on its significance.

    One scientific paper? The significance? Not much. However it was seminal.

    It can't be seminal if it wasn't very significant. Unless it's about

    We studied the organisms and we studied their reactions and we surmised how >> what we observed could possibly have happened given the organisms were
    never exposed to what they were found to be immune to and we looked at
    patterns and we made assessments based on the facts as we knew them - which >> - turns out - a decade later - we were vindicated in all our premises.

    You could easily tell us who the senior author was. They likely published dozens if not hundreds of papers which wouldn't divulge anything we don't already know.

    If any of this true, I suspect you didn't travel far so would have likely been at UCSF or UCSD.

    When you ridicule textbooks, it hints of you having never attended college.

    I'm not ridiculing books. I'm ridiculing you for using photos of books as evidence of your college degrees. The fact you feel the need to even do
    this speaks volumes about your fragile ego.

    You're right, I never attended college. I went straight to university from school.

    He's already one up on you though. He posted pictures of his
    books, and you haven't.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Wally J@21:1/5 to Chris on Thu Dec 28 19:56:42 2023
    Chris <ithinkiam@gmail.com> wrote

    My bad. Here's my actual book... https://img.ricardostatic.ch/images/e001bb9b-bf5e-4d5e-bf83-0e6db146e3cd/t_1000x750/physical-chemistry-atkins-de-paula

    I asked you three extremely basic freshman inorganic chemistry questions, Chris. Can you answer them? Or not?

    I'll repeat EXACTLY what I had asked you to show that you know the most
    basic of the simplest of the chemistry concepts that anyone should know.

    What's the reason that water is such a good solvent, Chris?
    Do you know?

    HINT: You're furiously googling (much as Alan Baker would), but that's an
    easy one to find in Google searches - so it's an easy one for you too.

    Let's try what this means '1s22s22p6' (offhand I'm pretty sure that's
    correct) as some things in chemistry (such as .0821) stick in your mind
    because you use them so often.

    What is the significance of those two sets of things above to chemistry?
    Hint: They're both huge so if you have to google, you don't know chemistry.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to Wally J on Thu Dec 28 17:29:07 2023
    On 2023-12-28 15:56, Wally J wrote:
    Chris <ithinkiam@gmail.com> wrote

    My bad. Here's my actual book...

    I asked you three extremely basic freshman inorganic chemistry questions, Chris. Can you answer them? Or not?

    "If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"

    I'll repeat EXACTLY what I had asked you to show that you know the most
    basic of the simplest of the chemistry concepts that anyone should know.

    "If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"

    What's the reason that water is such a good solvent, Chris?
    Do you know?

    "If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"

    HINT: You're furiously googling (much as Alan Baker would), but that's an easy one to find in Google searches - so it's an easy one for you too.

    "If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"

    Let's try what this means '1s22s22p6' (offhand I'm pretty sure that's correct) as some things in chemistry (such as .0821) stick in your mind because you use them so often.

    "If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"

    What is the significance of those two sets of things above to chemistry? Hint: They're both huge so if you have to google, you don't know chemistry.

    "If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Wally J@21:1/5 to Hank Rogers on Fri Dec 29 02:00:19 2023
    Hank Rogers <hank@nospam.invalid> wrote

    You're right, I never attended college. I went straight to university from >> school.

    He's already one up on you though. He posted pictures of his
    books, and you haven't.

    Actually two up since I don't ever say anything I can't easily prove.

    HINT: Have you ever found me NOT backing up EVERY one of my claims Hank?

    (And, no, it doesn't count when I've backed it up a thousand times and the iKooks say they missed the first thousand times so I need to do it again
    for them because that's a classic child-brain ploy of Alan Baker.)

    I don't say something is a fact that isn't a fact, Hank.
    Because my belief systems are _based_ on the facts.

    *That's a key difference between an adult and a child-like iKook.*

    For example, nospam repeatedly claims apps in the app store that don't
    exist, and Chris claims, in this case, that he didn't say what he did.

    Who is that stupid?
    Nobody right?

    *Except the iKooks.*

    JollY Roger repeatedly claims Apple fully patches all releases, when
    clearly Apple does not. Who is that stupid? Nobody right?

    *Except the iKooks.*

    Alan Browne repeatedly claims there is no walled garden when every day he
    logs into the very same walled garden he claim doesn't exist.

    Who is that stupid?
    Nobody right?

    *Except the iKooks.*

    Now we have Chris claiming to have a PhD when clearly he does not, where he hasn't yet answered the simplest basic questions of chemistry I asked him,
    but more so, he claims he didn't ridicule common immunological terms when
    all I had to do was look up those terms to find that he did.

    Who is that stupid?
    Nobody right?

    *Except the iKooks.*

    That's why all the iKooks are far to the left of the D-K Mount Stupid.
    They're all so stupid that they don't even realize how stupid they are.
    I have two goals on these child-like Apple newsgroups, one of which is to
    show the world what strange ignorant low-IQ people these iKooks really are.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to Wally J on Thu Dec 28 23:09:32 2023
    On 2023-12-28 22:00, Wally J wrote:
    Hank Rogers <hank@nospam.invalid> wrote

    You're right, I never attended college. I went straight to university from >>> school.

    He's already one up on you though. He posted pictures of his
    books, and you haven't.

    Actually two up since I don't ever say anything I can't easily prove.

    "If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"

    HINT: Have you ever found me NOT backing up EVERY one of my claims Hank?

    "If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"

    (And, no, it doesn't count when I've backed it up a thousand times and the iKooks say they missed the first thousand times so I need to do it again
    for them because that's a classic child-brain ploy of Alan Baker.)

    "If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"

    "If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"

    I don't say something is a fact that isn't a fact, Hank.
    Because my belief systems are _based_ on the facts.

    "If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"

    *That's a key difference between an adult and a child-like iKook.*

    "If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"

    For example, nospam repeatedly claims apps in the app store that don't
    exist, and Chris claims, in this case, that he didn't say what he did.

    "If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"

    Who is that stupid?
    Nobody right?

    "If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"

    *Except the iKooks.*

    JollY Roger repeatedly claims Apple fully patches all releases, when
    clearly Apple does not. Who is that stupid? Nobody right?

    "If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"

    *Except the iKooks.*

    Alan Browne repeatedly claims there is no walled garden when every day he logs into the very same walled garden he claim doesn't exist.

    "If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"

    Who is that stupid?
    Nobody right?

    *Except the iKooks.*

    Now we have Chris claiming to have a PhD when clearly he does not, where he hasn't yet answered the simplest basic questions of chemistry I asked him, but more so, he claims he didn't ridicule common immunological terms when
    all I had to do was look up those terms to find that he did.

    "If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"

    Who is that stupid?
    Nobody right?

    *Except the iKooks.*

    That's why all the iKooks are far to the left of the D-K Mount Stupid. They're all so stupid that they don't even realize how stupid they are.

    "If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites,"

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to Chris on Fri Dec 29 13:16:11 2023
    On 2023-12-29 12:24, Chris wrote:
    Wally J <walterjones@invalid.nospam> wrote:
    Chris <ithinkiam@gmail.com> wrote

    You stated you'd find the cites.

    You're so stupid,

    Any chance of those promised cites?

    I don't say something is a fact unless it is a fact, unlike the child-like >> iKooks who repeatedly claim facts that they can never back up with cites.

    The only one not backing up with cites in this thread is you. That makes
    you the "iKook" here, doesn't it?

    I posted them already Chris. It was trivial to find since you said it.

    No you didn't. Why are you lying?

    And moreover, Wally/Andy/Arlen/.../.../... stated:

    "If you disagree, you'll simply force me to find the cites"

    That is what I'm trying to show the world, Chris.

    That's quite an inflated ego you have there. Not sure the world cares about your opinions.

    He's so obviously insecure, isn't he?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)