• Re: "Add +1 (###) ###-#### for iMessage? This phone number was associat

    From Ant@21:1/5 to Joerg Lorenz on Wed Jun 28 18:11:54 2023
    In misc.phone.mobile.iphone Joerg Lorenz <hugybear@gmx.ch> wrote:
    Am 27.06.23 um 23:37 schrieb Ant:

    My client keeps getting "Add +1 (###) ###-#### for iMessage? This phone number was associated with the Apple ID 'Email address'." (edited out
    his contact datas) every other week in all of his Apple devices (2 MBPs [Big Sur & Mojave, 2 iPhones (11 Pro Max & 13), & 1 iPad air). It's annoying. :(

    All same Apple ID account and OSes are always updated too. Is anyone
    else seeing this too? All information are correct too.

    Thank you for reading and hopefully answering soon. :)

    Isn't iMessage tied to the pone number? Why does he refuse to add the
    number? I even think he should add it. Otherwise call Apple.

    He did!

    If you X-post so excessively in the future I will not answer your
    sometimes obviously lazy questions anymore.

    In addition: Is this always the same client? Does he need a digital
    nanny? And why should we help your *business* for for free?

    Yes, he's an elder. :(
    "Who can proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord or fully declare his praise?" --Psalm 106:2. A flying social insect's stinger stung the right hand's pinky finger 2 swell. Also, fell down while running away. :(
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    /\___/\ Ant(Dude) @ http://aqfl.net & http://antfarm.home.dhs.org.
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