• Re: Russian iphone malware compromises Energy Department, other federal

    From Chris Schram@21:1/5 to Blyden Bribes on Sat Jun 17 09:47:14 2023
    On 2023-06-17, Blyden Bribes <blyden.bribes@fbi.gov> wrote:
    Rudy Canoza <js@phendrie.con> wrote in news:rHhfJ.4211$I%1.595@fx36.iad:

    [A lot of off-topic crap posted through dizum.com and massively
    crossposted to unrelated groups. Please don't reply to it.]

    chrispam1@me.com is a filtered spam magnet. Email replies may be lost.
    You're better off replying to this newsgroup.

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