From Gianni Cifra@21:1/5 to All on Sat May 14 09:44:56 2022
    Dear Sir. We are a financial group operating in the sector. We have the possibility to receive GPI (AUTOMATIC SEMIAUTOMATIC AND ON A CORPORATE ACCOUNT WITH 8 DIGITS) in various European credit institutions including: HSBC LONDON, HSBC GERMANY, BANK OF
    IRELAND DUBLIN, DEUTSCHE BANK GERMANY, CREDIT SWISS, UBS SWITZERLAND, UBS LONDON, if these and other European banks are fine for you we can create a working relationship.
    We are also directed for KTT our financial group works only with direct seders (ratio KTT 50/50)
    If you are a direct sender we can start a profitable business relationship. We can work KTT from 2 to 4 million a week indefinitely, but if we want we can also work 10/15 million a week, but only after having established a working relationship.
    WhatsApp +39 3519968900

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