• MEDIA: 'Kick in the Teeth' to UK Workers: Boris to Open up More Indian

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Apr 29 01:43:35 2022
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Kurt
    Zindulka on how Donald Trump negotiated trade deals with Narendra
    Modi: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/04/22/kick-in-the-teeth-to-british-workers-boris-plans-to-open-up-more-immigration-from-india-for-trade-deal/>
    | As a result of liberalising the immigration system, the number of
    | work visas granted last year were up 25 per cent over the pre-Brexit
    | and pre-coronavirus year of 2019. India accounted for the most of
    | any country, with 67,839 Indians being granted work visas last year
    | last year, a 14 per cent increase over 2019.
    | The failure of the Conservative government to fulfill its
    | longstanding -- though never fulfilled pledge -- to reduce
    | immigration has seemingly worn thin with the British public, with a
    | poll from YouGov finding this week that a staggering 72 per cent of
    | the public believe the government is handling the issue of migration
    | badly.
    | "So much for Mr Johnson's 2019 promises to reduce immigration and
    | champion the British worker. The voters will not forgive him for
    | misleading them," Migration Watch's Alp Mehmet said.

    Did Trump find Modi intransigent on his scab worker export industry?
    "One of President Trump's greatest achievements was exposing the
    lies of Fake News Media. The Mainstream Media absolutely earned the
    branding of "Fake News."" - Columbia Bugle <URL:https://twitter.com/ColumbiaBugle/status/1492664992977534980>

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