• MEDIA: Arkansas Republicans Help Give Professional Licenses to Illegal

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jul 13 11:43:31 2021
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, on whether union tradesmen stand with Dick Trumka for global wage arbitrage: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/07/05/arkansas-republicans-help-give-professional-licenses-to-illegal-aliens/>
    | "The passing of this law was a special moment in Arkansas history,"
    | Hutchinson said.
    | Arkansas Nonprofit News Network reports:
    || Act 746, formerly HB 1735, will allow the state's nearly 5,000
    || DACA recipients and other immigrants with work permits to obtain any
    || professional or occupational license in Arkansas. The federal DACA
    || program, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, covers
    || immigrants who were brought to the United States, without
    || authorization, as children. DACA allows these individuals -- a group
    || sometimes called "Dreamers" -- to stay in the country free from the
    || threat of deportation if they meet certain qualifications. Although
    || DACA recipients are eligible for federal work permits, requirements
    || at the state level have sometimes prevented them from becoming
    || licensed in specific professional fields.
    || [Emphasis added]
    || The legislation, sponsored by state Rep. Clint Penzo (R-
    || Springdale) and state Sen. Bart Hester (R-Cave Springs), received
    || overwhelming bipartisan support. It passed the House of
    || Representatives 88-3 and the Senate 34-1; both chambers are
    || controlled by large Republican supermajorities. It takes effect July
    || 1. [Emphasis added]
    || Gov. Asa Hutchinson said the passage of the law across party
    || lines "was a big victory for the young people who are talented and
    || ready to build their future in our great state. [Emphasis added]
    | Arkansas Republicans' passage of professional licenses for DACA
    | illegal aliens comes after the sanctuary state of Colorado passed
    | similar legislation this year with lobbying from Facebook CEO Mark
    | Zuckerberg's FWD.us group.

    Do Arkansan moms want their sons and daughters to grow up to be
    licensed professionals and are they happy with Dick Trumka's
    alliance with Tom Donohue to oust Donald Trump?

    "The right is facing a variety of challenges going forward. Trump
    himself is an obstacle because he refuses to get out of the way and
    is instead content to fleece his supporters of their time and
    money." - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1377123947926315009>

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