• MEDIA: N.C. Rep. Madison Cawthorn Takes Aim at the OPT Program

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jul 6 11:44:14 2021
    Morris Dees and $PLC certified deplorable, David North, on why
    Donald Trump slow-walked the rescission of the illegal OPT and
    H-4EAD programs: <URL:https://cis.org/North/NC-Rep-Madison-Cawthorn-Takes-Aim-OPT-Program>
    | To limit the damage done to American interests by OPT, Cawthorn
    | proposes to cut back the time that alien college graduates can work
    | in it to six months. This would be a significant (and welcome)
    | reduction, as the program can provide up to three years of
    | subsidized post-college employment for the many aliens who have
    | taken STEM majors (i.e., those in science, technology, engineering,
    | and math); the program runs for only a year for those in non-STEM
    | fields.
    | Cawthorn's bill is entitled the Responsible Practical Training Act.
    | It would, in addition to reducing the "training" period, bar aliens
    | schooled in any military or related disciplines, and would require
    | the secretary of Labor to provide a wage-impact study of the
    | program.

    Roy Beck's report card for Cawthorn: <URL:https://www.numbersusa.com/content/my/congress/20352/gradescoresheet/#tabset-3>

    "A perfect way to celebrate Juneteenth, right? This is the country
    created not just by Democrats but by castrated GOPers like John
    Cornyn and Donald Trump and the conservative movement eunuchs
    reconciling us to the rot. You should hate them for the America
    they've created." - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1406774122332438536>

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