• MEDIA: Aruna Khilanani: Black Rage and Pakistani Peevishness

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 25 11:02:56 2021
    VDare's Steve Sailer on the suicide culture civic nationalists hope
    immigrants will assimilate into: <URL:https://vdare.com/posts/aruna-khilanani-black-rage-and-pakistani-peevishness>
    | In reality, of course, virtually zero liberal white American women
    | feel guilty over white Americans colonizing anywhere, such as Puerto
    | Rico or the Philippines, much less over Britain colonizing Pakistan
    | before they were born. South Asians are waaaaay down the totem pole
    | of intersectional Pokemon points in the U.S. But that still doesn't
    | stop South Asian immigrant intellectuals from arguing that they
    | deserve to take over America as reparations for the Raj. For
    | example, from my 2019 review of Calcutta-born NYU journalism
    | professor Suketu Mehta's book This Land Is Our Land: An Immigrant's
    | Manifesto:
    || He's been living in the United States of America since his
    || Gujarati diamond-merchant family arrived in Queens in 1977. As he
    || sums up his manifesto:
    || "I claim the right to the United States, for myself and my
    || children and my uncles and cousins, by manifest destiny.... It's our
    || country now."
    || Of course, exactly why Americans merit vengeance for the sins,
    || real and imaginary, of the British Raj isn't fully explained in This
    || Land Is Our Land. But that's not the point; the point is that you
    || white people have money, which means you are guilty, and therefore
    || you must pay.
    || Seriously, in the current Scramble for America, the potential
    || profits for colonizers like the Mehtas are so vast that it's only
    || natural for their pundits to not wait around to publish until
    || they've first figured out arguments that can pass the laugh test.

    Does Donald Trump regret taking Jared Kushner's advice to downplay
    the National Question on the campaign trail against Joe Biden and
    Kamala Harris?

    "Trump getting tough on Russia is the geopolitical analogue of
    "democrats are the real racist" Dems say we're russian puppets?
    We'll show them by being even TOUGHER on Russia. Then they'll never
    call us Russian puppets Pompeo is complete tool of the military
    industrial complex" - Darren Beattie <URL:https://twitter.com/DarrenJBeattie/status/1404090967192391683>

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