• MEDIA: Indian engineer laid off by Tesla faces H-1B visa deadline: 'Fee

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 16 10:43:07 2024
    The anonymous Hindustan Times hack on whether Ur M Jaddou and Julie
    Su are tracking how many of the Cheap Labor Lobby's scab workers have self-deported during Big Tech's recent RIFs: <URL:https://www.hindustantimes.com/trending/indian-engineer-laid-off-by-tesla-faces-h-1b-visa-deadline-feels-like-a-bad-dream-101715074508994.html>
    | "It feels like a bad dream that I am no longer in Tesla as I have
    | given so much of my time and sacrifice my sleep to this organisation
    | from last more than five years," he wrote in a LinkedIn post.
    | The engineer, currently living in the US on an H-1B visa, faces a
    | daunting deadline of just two months to find a new job in the
    | country. Failure to do so will mean he will have to leave the US.
    | H-1B is a non-immigrant work visa that is popular among Indian
    | engineers in the US.

    Will Donald Trump nominate NeverBackDown.ORG's Ken Cuccinelli to
    succeed Jaddou at USCIS.GOV and Eugene Scalia to succeed Su at
    DoL.GOV and how much does Amy Swonger figure it will cost Trump
    to convince John Thune to consent?

    "Anyway, Rollins was also one of the people who encouraged Trump to
    not enact a crackdown on Floyd rioters because it might look racist.
    Trump listened. 11/ https://t.co/GfdP0DhH6Y" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1657271716970733571>

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