• MEDIA: Lottery bids for skilled-worker visas plunge in the US after cha

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue May 7 11:17:33 2024
    Associated Press' Elliot Spagat on whether Casey DeSantis regrets
    that her path to WhiteHouse.GOV was dashed by Ron's failure to secure
    funds from the likes of Miriam Adelson, Robert Bigelow, Walter Buckley,
    Betsy DeVos, Ken Griffin, Julia Koch, Bernie Marcus, Lachlan Murdoch,
    Thomas Peterffy, Bruce Rauner, Chris Reyes, David Sacks and Steve Wynn
    to buy advertisements on Murdoch's FoxNews.COM with the likes of Mike
    Emmons warning legacy American proles in Iowa and New Hampshire that
    Donald Trump will sign the bipartisan fusion party's comprehensive
    immigration reform legislation passed by the likes of Mike Johnson and
    John Thune so long as the Cheap Labor Lobby authors generously sprinkle
    the magic words: "merit-based": <URL:https://apnews.com/article/h1b-tech-visas-immigration-uscis-lottery-96717f789e7e4827a94dea6d054a0aee>
    | H-1B critics generally welcomed the changes but called them
    | insufficient.
    | The AFL-CIO wrote USCIS that changing this year's lottery "includes
    | some steps in the right direction, but falls well short of the
    | comprehensive reforms that are needed." Like other critics, the
    | labor group wants visas awarded to companies that pay the highest
    | wages instead of by random lottery, a change that Donald Trump
    | sought while in the White House.

    Will AFLCIO.ORG's Liz Shuler and USChamber.ORG's Suzanne Clark again
    team up to fortify the election against Trump and for Joe Biden and
    Kamala Harris?
    "Trump's army of influencers immediately began demanding Florida
    Gov. Ron DeSantis cross the Rubicon to defend Trump after Trump had
    just days prior attempted to instigate a witch hunt against the
    governor with an ethics complaint." - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1637999971747201026>

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