• NY town fights legal battle to block migrant kids from moving into chil

    From Leroy N. Soetoro@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 5 19:46:14 2024
    XPost: ny.politics, alt.politics.democrats, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, sac.politics

    https://nypost.com/2024/04/21/us-news/ny-town-fights-legal-battle-to- block-migrant-kids-from-moving-into-childcare-center/

    A Westchester County town is mired in a legal dispute with a suburban
    childcare center to keep migrant kids from moving into the facility.

    Officials in Mount Pleasant countersued the Jewish Child Care Association
    to keep the agency from housing asylum-seeking children at the
    Pleasantville Cottage School, a local residential treatment center for
    kids with a history of controversy.

    The first salvo in the courtroom battle was fired by JCCA on April 4,
    suing the town and Supervisor Carl Fulgenzi after the politician declared
    an emergency order to keep migrants out of the town — saying the move
    violates the agency’s constitutional rights and its mission to shelter
    kids in need.

    “The town’s orders are unconstitutional on their face and as applied,” the
    JCCA lawsuit said. “By reason of the foregoing, [the town] — and those
    they serve, the children — have suffered traceable harm as a direct result
    of the town’s orders.”

    JCCA has a deal with the US Office of Refugee Resettlement to take in the
    kids, the lawsuit said.

    But the town countersued on April 12, seeking an injunction to keep the
    migrant children out of the facility, which has long had a troubled relationship with the suburban town, lohud.com reported.

    The Cottage School is a residential treatment center that houses troubled youngsters — most of them from New York City — who have occasionally
    caused trouble in the community.

    Town officials have long sought to shut down the facility, even before the migrant issue surfaced.

    They now say that local zoning, which calls for single-family homes and educational facilities, prohibits the placement of migrants at the JCCA
    site, lohud.com said.

    Fulgenzi and officials at JCCA declined to comment to The Post last week
    due to the pending litigation.


    I am Galactus
    21 April, 2024

    I live a mile away from this place, the school is an absolute disaster.
    85% of the Total law enforcement calls in and around the town are
    generated at the school or from the inhabitants who run amok in the town.
    The facility population is easily 95% them

    21 April, 2024

    I also live a mile from the facility. It’s already a problematic
    organization housing unruly kids without prior supports leading to
    burdening our community. Migrants should be housed at an organization
    that can support their needs.

    21 April, 2024

    Is this one of the Mental Health facilities that we are constantly being
    told is an integral part of dialing back crime statistics? It seems like
    every piece of infrastructure that is geared to helping the existing
    problems in America, like Child Mental Health, neighborhood gyms, poverty
    food programs can simply be absorbed and co-opted to an entirely different program known as the "flood America with illegal immigrants and give your
    stuff to them." Perfect example. What kids are going to use this place
    now? The child rape victims from the great migration?

    We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that
    stupid people won't be offended.

    Durham Report: The FBI has an integrity problem. It has none.

    No collusion - Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III, March 2019.
    Officially made Nancy Pelosi a two-time impeachment loser.

    Thank you for cleaning up the disaster of the 2008-2017 Obama / Biden
    fiasco, President Trump.

    Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
    The World According To Garp. Obama sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
    queer liberal democrat donors.

    President Trump boosted the economy, reduced illegal invasions, appointed dozens of judges and three SCOTUS justices.

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