• MEDIA: U.S. Navy Wants Migrants to Build Warships

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 5 09:33:17 2024
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Neil Munro
    on whether Donald Trump will nominate Ken Braithwaite to succeed Carlos
    Del Toro and how much does Amy Swonger estimate it will cost Trump to
    convince John Thune to consent: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/2024-election/2024/04/29/navy-wants-to-hire-migrants-to-build-warships/>
    | "What we've got to do is open up the spigot a bit, basically, on
    | legal immigration to allow blue-collar workers to come here ... so
    | they can actually work in our shipyards and be employed by the types
    | of trades that are open to shipyard workers," Navy Secretary Carlos
    | Del Toro told a meeting in Arlington Va.
    | Del Toro's call for migrant shipbuilders comes amid a shipbuilding
    | crisis where many U.S. warships are being delivered far behind
    | schedule, sometimes with deep flaws, Forbes reported in 2021 that
    | the United States:
    || builds less than 10 vessels for oceangoing commerce in a typical
    || year. China builds over a thousand such ships each year. The entire
    || U.S.-registered fleet of oceangoing commercial ships numbers fewer
    || than 200 vessels, out of a global total of 44,000.
    | However, the administration's support for mass migration reduces the
    | pressure on state governments and companies to train the next
    | generation of Americans for skilled jobs.
    | The government's inflow of cheap migrants also provides CEOs and
    | investors with an easy excuse to avoid the difficult task of raising
    | per-person productivity. Boosting productivity usually requires
    | executives to manage a painful mix of training, automation,
    | reorganization, risk, and innovation.

    Will GoIAM.ORG's Bob Martinez endorse Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for WhiteHouse.GOV?

    "A problem with the right is that we don't have a media ecosystem
    that's independent of Trump and his Twitter grifters, which is why
    they're able to work everyone into a lather over nothing. Charlie
    Kirk was one of the only media people who did some actual reporting
    amid all this." - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1638172645563793408>

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