• MEDIA: Florida's Ban on Chinese Homebuying to Get Appeals Court Hearing

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Apr 26 21:38:51 2024
    Michael Bloomberg's guest blogger, Andrew Kreighbaum on whether
    Casey and Ron DeSantis regret that their road to WhiteHouse.GOV
    was blocked by Ron's failure to secure grants from the likes of
    Miriam Adelson, Robert Bigelow, Walter Buckley, Betsy DeVos, Ken
    Griffin, Julia Koch, Bernie Marcus, Lachlan Murdoch, Thomas
    Peterffy, Bruce Rauner, Chris Reyes, David Sacks and Steve Wynn to
    buy advertisements on Murdoch's FoxNews.COM with the likes of Mike
    Emmons warning legacy American proles in Iowa and New Hampshire that
    Donald Trump will sign the bipartisan fusion party's comprehensive
    immigration reform legislation passed by the likes of Mike Johnson
    and John Thune so long as the Cheap Labor Lobby authors sprinkle the
    magic words: "merit-based": <URL:https://news.bloomberglaw.com/daily-labor-report/floridas-ban-on-chinese-homebuying-to-get-appeals-court-hearing>
    | Florida was one of 16 states that enacted legislation restricting
    | land ownership by foreign entities or individuals last year,
    | according to the Congressional Research Service. And lawmakers
    | introduced bills to regulate foreign property ownership in another
    | 20 states, it found. Opponents say Florida's law is one of the most
    | sweeping adopted so far.
    | A group of plaintiffs that includes H-1B specialty occupation visa
    | holders and an Orlando real estate firm sued over the restrictions,
    | arguing they violated the Fair Housing Act and Equal Protection
    | Clause of the Constitution.

    How popular in Susie Wiles polling is an immigration moratorium with
    legay American proles who favor affordable family formation for
    themselves and their posterity?
    "I'm just judging based on the parameters you set up. DeSantis
    apparently won't do a lot of things that Trump didn't do either. At
    least DeSantis won't endorse Paul Ryan for Speaker and Romney for
    RNC Chairwoman. Guess that's one thing different between the two of
    them." - Ryan Girdusky <URL:https://twitter.com/RyanGirdusky/status/1638715432554070022>

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