• MEDIA: Mark Steyn On The Loss Of The Habits Of Liberty--And Lawfare Aga

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sat Apr 20 12:26:00 2024
    VDare's Jim Fulford on whether Mark Steyn will survive to see Michael
    Mann lose at the Supreme Court: <URL:https://vdare.com/articles/mark-steyn-on-the-loss-of-the-habits-of-liberty-and-lawfare-against-vdare-com>
    | It is important, and I personally want to thank Steyn for saying
    | this--as he points out, there is a very large number of
    | conservatives not saying this. You can support Steyn, who has been
    | having his own legal odyssey, by buying a Mark Steyn club
    | membership--I'm a member and so is Paul Nachman--which gets you
    | subscriber content, Mark Steyn-read audiobooks, and commenting
    | privileges.

    Who are Donald Trump's picks for USCourts.GOV and does Amy Swonger
    believe that John Thune will consent?
    "Warner and Comey were running an operation using DC media to get
    the momentum they needed for a Special Counsel investigation. The
    SC investigation was needed to cover up the activity of the DOJ,
    FBI, NSD, ODNI and SSCI during the 2016 election cycle. Every
    element of the intelligence apparatus in DC was opposed to the
    efforts of Nunes and Trump to expose the unlawful targeting effort."
    - Sundance
    <URL:https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/04/13/rfk-jr- pretends-not-to-know-intel-agency-fisa-game/>

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