• MEDIA: Nevada immigration advocates, industry leaders sound call for ex

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Apr 5 19:27:03 2024
    Las Vegas Sun's Grace Da Rocha on whether Susie Wiles (or Bill Stepien
    before (or Brad Parscale before him)) detects that legacy American
    proles are aware that the Cheap Labor Lobby aims to dispossess them
    and their posterity: <URL:https://lasvegassun.com/news/2024/mar/27/immigration-advocates-industry-leaders-sound-call/>
    | This means they're more likely to be active in the workforce and
    | contribute economically as consumers and taxpayers -- immigrants in
    | Nevada paid $1.2 billion in state taxes and local taxes in 2021 --
    | despite not being able to take advantage of all government services.
    | Immigrants can be sponsored by their employers for permanent
    | residence or apply for visas that allow them permanent or temporary
    | employment within the U.S. through programs such as the H-1B visa
    | for specialty occupations or the J-1 physician visa. The U.S. may
    | grant up to 675,000 visas annually for family, employment and
    | diversity, according to the National Conference of State
    | Legislatures.

    Does Casey DeSantis regret that her path to WhiteHouse.GOV was dashed
    by Ron's failure to secure the support of David McIntosh's Club for
    Growth to buy advertisements on Lachlan Murdoch's FoxNews.COM warning
    legacy American proles in Iowa and New Hampshire that Donald Trump will
    sign bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform legislation passed by
    the likes of Mike Johnson and John Thune so long as the Cheap Labor
    Lobby authors include the magic words: "merit-based"?
    "If Trump loses the nomination, he wouldn't need to run as third
    party -- he could crash DeSantis by telling his die-hards to write
    in his name in the general election, siphoning off enough votes to
    elect the Democrat. I hope he won't do that, but it's not beneath
    him." - Mark Krikorian <URL:https://twitter.com/MarkSKrikorian/status/1632908418108342277>

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